9月 28, 2020

Moschino 2021春夏系列:时尚人偶剧场

向来创意无限的 Jeremy Scott,在疫情期间为 Moschino 打造了一场别开生面的时装发布会:时尚人偶剧场!

Jeremy Scott 将模特儿、T台前排的名人,以及自己本人打造成像真度极高的人偶公仔,让时尚伸展台变成像芭比娃娃般的舞台,充满童趣之余,又充满梦幻氛围,感觉就像是将每个女生的童年梦想注入生命一般!

In fashion design, each doll is dressed in proportionally scaled-down clothing, with glamorous and elegant evening gowns filling the entire collection. The brand’s craftsmanship and attention to clothing details are also fully presented in the miniature versions of the clothing.


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