6月 21, 2023

BLACKPINK Lisa 同款!「半月包」人气不减,Celine 全新 Ava Triomphe 手袋即将上架

Although large tote bags have made a strong comeback in recent seasons, the “half-moon bag” remains popular. With its fashionable and practical design, it is not too big or too small, and has enough capacity to hold essential items when going out. It can be worn as a “shoulder bag” or casually carried in hand. No wonder major brands continue to release new models of “half-moon bags”. If you happen to be interested in getting a new “half-moon bag”, consider this Ava Triomphe handbag from Celine. Perhaps after seeing brand ambassador Lisa’s demonstration, you won’t be able to resist adding it to your bucket list!

Celine 全新标志性 Ava Triomphe 手袋于 2023 年冬季女装系列时装展首次亮相,设计延续了经典 Ava 手袋的半月廓形,备有平滑牛皮革及标志印花牛皮革版本,配以品牌标志性 Triomphe 金色饰件,重新演绎了 90 年代复古设计,优雅不失奢华魅力。配有三段可调校肩带,灵活地融入日常各种造型。

Lisa在手袋即将上架前,已经率先多次背上身穿梭世界各地,示范不同风格搭配。她趁巡回演唱会空档期回到家乡泰国时,就以黑色牛皮革Ava Triomphe手袋搭配充满民族气息的度假装扮,尽显休闲随性态度;外出参加派对,就以同款手袋配衬性感俏丽的穿搭,散发法式时尚。

另外,又以短版上衣及皮裤搭配标志印花牛皮革 Ava Triomphe 手袋,塑造出俐落率性造型。

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