11月 27, 2023

可爱登场!Jacquemus推出首个童装系列「Mini Me」

Jacquemus 全新童装系列「Mini Me」可爱登场!

法国时尚品牌Jacquemus创立以来,设计师Simon Porte Jacquemus以解构主义、不对称剪裁诠释自身对极简风格的美学,加上极具特色与话题性的营销方式,时不时带来联乘系列、期间限家店等,让品牌成为近年最备受追捧的品牌之一。

继早前找来超模 Kendall Jenner 性感出镜 2023 假期系列大片后,品牌近日再有新搞作,推出首个童装系列「Mini Me」,形象广告中的小小模特儿,穿上大人服装与童装系列混搭而成的造型,化身为「小大人」,既时髦又可爱,萌度爆表!

This time’s Jacquemus “Mini Me” children’s clothing series focuses on basic styles. In terms of design, it is created with the brand’s iconic logo, paired with single colors such as red, beige, brown, and pink. It includes long and short-sleeved T-shirts, hoodies, denim jackets, as well as printed shirts that have been previously released for adults. It also offers fisherman hats and shoes. It provides sizes for children aged 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 12, making it very suitable for fashionable parents to create parent-child outfits!


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