3月 20, 2023

穿上身的艺术品!Marimekko与纽约艺术家Landon Metz合作,将连身裙化身为画布。

芬兰设计品牌Marimekko在今年春夏与纽约艺术家Landon Metz合作,带来了可以穿上身的”艺术作品”!

Marimekko以其夺目的印花图案和鲜明的色彩配搭而闻名于世,其设计总是充满着快乐氛围和正能量。品牌与艺术创作的关系也是密不可分的,继上季与法国艺术家Virginie Hucher的首次合作后,Marimekko在今年春夏继续这个时尚艺术联乘企划,找来纽约艺术家Landon Metz推出联乘系列。

Landon Metz is an artist based in New York who specializes in creating abstract works using dyes and canvas, expressing a highly dynamic artistic language in an extremely minimalist form. His signature style embodies a watercolor-like elegance, infusing optimism and hope into futuristic color schemes and vibrant contrasts. This time, he has printed his repetitive hand-drawn compositions on Marimekko designs, resembling the act of a painter creating on a large canvas. “I place great importance on creating from the viewer’s perspective, hoping that people can experience the artwork from a rational standpoint. By collaborating with Marimekko using dyes and canvas, I aim to package the artwork and eliminate the boundaries between the viewer and the canvas,” said New York artist Landon Metz.


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