1月 24, 2022

比主流审美走前30年的鬼才设计师 Thierry Mugler 逝世,享寿73岁

今天,1月24号时尚圈一早传来噩耗,法国知名时尚品牌 Mugler 创办人Thierry Mugler 逝世,享年73岁。消息经由 Thierry Mugler 团队发布,在他的个人 IG、品牌 IG 上公布 Thierry Mugler 已于上周日过世的遗憾消息。


Thierry Mugler 可谓是最富争议性的时装鬼才之一,他在 1974 年创立同名品牌,设计集合了建筑、戏剧等风格,鬼魅夸张又充满未来感,成了 90 年代时装史上的传奇。他的秀场精彩程度,远远在 John Galliano、Jean Paul Gaultier、Alexander Mcqueen 之上,将戏剧化的情景搬上秀场的设计师,他是开创先河神一样的人物。

His designs transcended his time and foresaw future fashion trends, making him the most controversial designer in the fashion world at that time. The clothing under his pen had exaggerated shoulders and waistlines that could not be any narrower, and the sharp tailoring was a masterpiece that the brand could not surpass.

1995年推出的机械装,更成为经典中的经典,被Beyonce、Katy Perry、Nicki Minaj等重新演绎,非但没有过时,更要超越时代的造型。他的设计深得一众荷里活巨星的喜爱,经常出现红地毯。

Beyonce personally invited him to be the stylist and art director for her 2009 global tour. He was not only responsible for completing a total of 58 outfits during the tour, but also took on the role of director for the lighting, installations, and three segments of the performance, showcasing his full talent. 碧昂丝亲自邀请他担任她2009年全球巡演的造型与美术总监,他不仅负责完成了巡演中共58款服饰,就连灯光、装置、什么表演中三个片段他都担起导演角色,才华充分流露。

除了 Beyonce,Cardi B、Kim Kardashian 也是 Thierry Mugler 的死忠粉丝,多次穿上品牌的经典礼服出现活动;Kim 更获得 Thierry Mugler 退休后出山,亲自为她重塑经典造型,例如 2019年 Met Gala 上的半透明缀满水晶吊饰犹如「湿身」效果的贴身裙、派对上蓝色贴上如瀑布下泻的华丽水晶乳胶裙、2021万圣节的经典性感机械装……每一个华丽十足的效果令人惊艳。


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