2月 23, 2021

全智贤绝美演绎 Alexander McQueen 2021春夏广告照!

身为Alexander McQueen韩国区代言人的全智贤,近日以绝美姿态出镜品牌2021春夏系列广告硬照,轻盈柔和的色调完美凸显女神气质,再一次惊艳大家!

女神演绎了系列中4个造型,其中包括贯穿系列的透明感十足的薄纱裙子、刚柔兼备的黑色薄纱宽袖的铁骑士外套及紧身胸衣设计的连身裙。她同时示范了经典的 Jewelled Satchel 手袋和圆形太阳眼镜,浪漫优雅满载,可谓美出新高度。

In addition to beautiful advertising photos, the brand also openly shoots behind-the-scenes footage. In the short film, you can see not only the 4 sets of outfits in the photos, but also an additional 2 sets in goose yellow and lotus pink, as well as the interpretation of the latest series of accessories and handbag combinations. While admiring the beauty of the brand’s clothing, everyone will also be captivated by the charm of Jun Ji-hyun!


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