11月 10, 2023


To welcome the lively and festive Christmas season, major brands have launched holiday limited edition collections. Loewe, known for its rich creativity and emphasis on craftsmanship, has introduced a variety of handbags, shoes, and cute accessories under the theme of promoting craftsmanship. They are suitable for both personal use and gifting!

今年,Loewe与由夫妻档藤田匠平及山野千里创办的Suna Fujita陶艺工作室合作,呈献一系列童趣洋溢的特别款式。他们的陶艺创作受到幻想、儿时回忆以及与儿子和爱犬的生活启发,从大自然景色和动植物中汲取灵感,以手绘工艺将其转化为陶瓷茶壶、茶杯和碗盘的图画。


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  • In this year’s Christmas gift series, you can see their characters integrated into it. The little boy sits on a tree and feeds a yellow bird, the panda slides funny under the tree, and there are patterns of mandrake grass, otters, lemurs, and seals appearing on classic handbags like Hammock, Puzzle, and Puzzle Fold. They inject a playful atmosphere into fashionable handbags with pure childlike innocence, making people smile.

    除了手袋,系列还有很多小配件,皮卡套、马海毛围巾、毛氈掛飾、布绒玩具,用作圣诞节交换礼物,又或者奖励自己最适合不过。在温馨的圣诞佳节中,世界上依然有不少儿童为生活困扰着,有见及此,Loewe 每出售一件 Loewe x Suna Fujita 的设计,将会捐出部分收益予救助儿童会的 Education in Emergencies 计划,支持救助儿童会为世界各地身陷人道危机的儿童提供安全及受保护的学习环境。除了为佳节增添开心回忆,也能为公益尽一分心力,更添意义!

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