August 28, 2020

Copenhagen Fashion Week Highlights! Long-awaited fashion street snaps, can you take a look?

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, major international fashion events in the fashion industry have been successively canceled or postponed since the beginning of this year, or have been held online. Fashionistas who used to be active in fashion events also have to stay at home to avoid the epidemic. We no longer have the opportunity to see them in street style photos, nor do we have the opportunity to get outfit inspiration from their dressing.

As the situation in Northern Europe is under control and easing, Copenhagen Fashion Week for Spring/Summer 2021 finally took place smoothly, and long-lost street fashion photos are back in front of everyone! Here is a compilation of street photos from Copenhagen Fashion Week, breaking down the 5 major trends in the Nordic fashion scene today, helping you understand the current fashion focus clearly!

1. 浪漫粉紫

Let’s first understand the popular colors! In the street snaps of the entire Copenhagen Fashion Week, the most exposed color must be the romantic pink-purple series. Although pink-purple is not versatile for all skin tones, Nordic fashion bloggers have no reservations and all wear pink-purple. For those with a healthy skin tone, you may consider adding bright colors such as bright yellow and bright red to your pink-purple outfit, which will brighten your complexion. And for those with confident flawless fair skin, of course, feel free to challenge the highest difficulty of the pink-purple total look!

2. 減齡粉紅

Apart from pink and purple, the equally dreamy pink color also has extremely high popularity. Pair a pink turtleneck top with boyfriend jeans, a full pink shirt dress, or simply wear a light pink long-sleeved knit cardigan as a top. By toning down the romantic and cute atmosphere of pink with a casual and relaxed feel, while still retaining the age-reducing effect unique to pink tones, it is definitely a fashionista’s dressing trick!

3. 中性啡系

Do you consider yourself more of an intellectual dresser and can’t stand the girly pink and purple? Nordic fashion bloggers have another popular color choice. Deep brown and dark brown, full of vintage vibes, are often seen in street style photos from Copenhagen Fashion Week. A bright and eye-catching solid color top, paired with a deep brown pencil skirt of the same high color saturation, is simple and elegant. If you want to stand out more, consider contrasting outfits in beige and dark brown, making you stylish from late summer to early autumn at every moment.

4. 娃娃衣領

After introducing the mainstream colors, it’s time to shift our focus to clothing details. The Nordic fashionista, who has always disliked too many complicated elements, has fallen in love this season with doll collars embellishing the entire look. Doll collars not only add a cute and playful touch to a crisp shirt, but also balance out the overly busy visual effect of a plaid jumpsuit. And wearing a bra top with doll collar detailing paired with jeans completely redefines the definition of sexy.

5. 簡約主義

Minimalism is the most signature mark in the Nordic fashion circle. In the street snaps of Copenhagen Fashion Week, there are certainly no lack of minimalist outfit demonstrations. Even with basic black, white, and grey colors, as long as you add a key item to the look, such as a tied-up top or a stylish handbag, even if paired with just a simple white shirt or wide-leg trousers, you can easily catch the attention of street style photographers!

圖片來源:Fashion Magazine

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