To count the late Princess Diana’s favorite brand of handbags, the Gucci bamboo handle tote is definitely on the list. The brand first introduced this handbag with a bamboo handle in 1991, which was highly favored by Princess Diana, whether she was on official visits, shopping, or even going to the gym, she was often seen carrying it, making the bag an instant hit! Gucci
30 years after its debut, Creative Director Alessandro Michele reinterprets this bag and introduces the new Gucci Diana for summer 2021. This “modern version of the bamboo handle bag” features detachable leather straps that were originally used to maintain the shape of the handle, paying homage to its original design.
Each Gucci Diana comes with a color-coordinated leather strap, available in 3 colors: fluorescent yellow, pink, or orange. Each leather strap features a functional buckle with the Gucci Logo in metal foil on the outside; additionally, customers can also choose to purchase additional leather straps with letters and star symbols embossed in metal foil on the inside.
The series comes in 3 sizes to choose from, including mini, small, and medium; available in 6 leather colors such as rose, emerald, and brown, etc. Also available are precious leather styles, including patchwork styles made of colorful python skin, and rock (white) python styles.
Learn more: Gucci