April 25, 2019

Turn the rush to the airport into a stylish blockbuster! HOGAN collaborates with fashion parody Instagram bloggers to present the 2019 Spring/Summer collection in a fun way.


HOGAN invited the mastermind behind the fashion parody Instagram account “Siduations,” Sidney Prawatyotin, to collaborate on a series of fun and stylish photoshoots to promote its 2019 Spring/Summer collection.

HOGAN’s 2019 spring/summer collection takes Los Angeles style as its design concept, full of strong 80s nostalgic flavor. A series of products including Maxi Active sneakers and thick-soled Double Stack sneakers all use a variety of bright colors, vibrant and eye-catching.

Sidney Prawatyotin loves to blend luxurious runway fashion with casual street style in everyday settings, creating an extreme contrast that results in unexpected effects, making his photos very interesting and humorous. Sneakers remind him of running, so he packaged a series of shoes by portraying them on girls rushing to catch a flight at the airport, with the participation of entrepreneur Rene Chu, fashion blogger and stylist Faye Tsui, model Angie Ng, and fashion blogger Jenny Tsang, adding an extra touch of elegance to the overall look.

Data and photos provided by: HOGAN

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