May 13, 2024

The irresistible charm of Korean heartthrob! Sun Xiujin becomes the new brand ambassador for Burberry.

Korean uncle male god Sun Xijiu becomes the latest brand ambassador for Burberry!

Sun Hee-kyu, although debuting at the age of 31, is widely known for his film and television works, effortlessly portraying various roles in different genres. This year, he gained attention once again for his role as detective “Jang Nak-han” in the popular Korean drama “The Killer’s Embarrassment” on Netflix. In 2021, he appeared in the hit Netflix series “D.P.”; the following year, he received acclaim for his role as Mr. Gu in the drama film “My Runaway Diary.” He won the Best New Actor award at the Korean Film Critics Association Awards for his performance in the film “Criminal City,” establishing himself as one of the rising stars to watch in 2022. In 2023, he ventured into stage plays, performing in “The Army on the Tree.”

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