July 12, 2021

Burberry releases heartwarming video on LGBTQ+ theme, promoting gender diversity message.


The LGBTQ+ issues have been receiving global attention in recent years, and many fashion brands have shown their support for gender diversity through various activities, image advertisements, and videos. Earlier, Burberry released a heartwarming video on IG with LGBTQ+ as the theme, featuring 5 stories related to love and support, promoting LGBTQ rights.

Burberry brought together Lea T, Aweng Chuol, Edem Dossou, Kerron Clement, and Erica Bougard, inviting them to invite their families to participate. Through sharing their stories and views on LGBTQ+ rights in a video, they convey the message of being brave to be the most authentic self, connecting people of different generations, encouraging everyone to deepen their understanding of LGBTQ+ through communication, and hoping that even after the global “Pride Month” in June, the public will continue to pay attention to gender diversity through videos.

In addition to filming videos, Burberry also donates to charities to provide long-term support for the LGBTQ+ community, including assisting homeless LGBTQ+ individuals through the organization Albert Kennedy Trust (AKT). In response, the vice president of AKT stated that the number of young LGBTQ+ individuals who ran away last year due to lack of family support or even abuse is increasing, and Burberry’s support allows AKT to provide more assistance to homeless LGBTQ+ individuals.


In addition, Burberry will also support other organizations around the world, including Casa Neon Cunha, which provides shelters for LGBTQ+ individuals, the Center for Black Equity, dedicated to improving the global LGBTQ+ black community, and the Born This Way Foundation, which provides support for the mental health of young people, taking action to tell the public that everyone deserves love regardless of gender, skin color, or race.

Learn more: Burberry


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