August 31, 2020

Korean supermodel Sora Choi, along with 14 interdisciplinary artists, appeared in the COS autumn/winter campaign photos!

Every year in August and September, major brands will gradually release promotional photos of their autumn and winter collections, allowing everyone to preview the new products of the season in advance and grasp the overall trend of the new season as soon as possible. COS recently released its 2020 autumn and winter promotional photos, inviting the famous photographer Jack Davison to shoot the promotional photos, and featuring 15 artists. In addition to showcasing new products, they also pay tribute to these core figures from different artistic fields!

韓國超模 Sora Choi

Jack Davison showcases the characteristics and uniqueness of 15 artists, as well as their connection to fashion, through his photography filled with tension and delicacy. Among the 15 artists, Korean supermodel Sora Choi is the most recognized in the fashion world, interpreting simple new designs with a touch of contrasting conflict in a soft yet slightly melancholic manner.

英國詩人 Greta Bellamacina
荷蘭超模 Lara Stone

In addition to Sora, the lineup also includes British multimedia leader Amanda Parker, British writer and curator Ekow Eshun, British poet Greta Bellamacina, stylist Ibrahim Kamara, ballet dancer Isaac Hernández, 18-year-old British tennis player Jack Draper, German model Jonas Glöer, Norwegian musician Kaya Wilkins, Dutch supermodel Lara Stone, founder of creative brand Marte Mei van Haaster, London installation artist Rhea Dillon, British-Korean artist Sang Woo Kim, poet and illustrator Shaq, and 19-year-old French artist Sharon Alexie.

文創品牌創辦人 Marte Mei van Haaster
法國藝術家 Sharon Alexie
挪威音樂家 Kaya Wilkins

This powerful, multinational, and cross-disciplinary lineup is definitely the most artistic and culturally rich group in this season’s fashion promotional photos, allowing everyone to appreciate the new outfits while also getting to know these international art world faces, expanding their understanding of different art forms!


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