April 12, 2024

Interview with the famous stage actress Shao Meijun! Explore personal emotions and inner world through the agnès b. stage workshop.

Fashion and art have always been inseparable, agnès b. is not only synonymous with “French fashion,” but has also been committed to supporting sustainable development, designing, and promoting timeless fashion, actively promoting music, film, and art development. The brand specially invited the famous stage actress Luna to host a drama workshop, promoting art and hoping to explore participants’ interaction patterns and emotional responses through relaxed drama games and interactive sharing.

Get to know stage actress Shao Meijun

Stage actress Siu Mei Kwan, who graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, has won the Best Actress Award eight times at the Hong Kong Theatre Awards, including three Best Actress awards and five Best Supporting Actress awards. She is also the first to win all four individual performance awards. In 2003, she co-founded the Windmill Grass Theatre Company with Leung Cho Yiu and Tong Chun Yip, serving as artistic director and actress. In addition to her stage performances, she is actively involved in theatre education, having served as a resident artist at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and currently teaching drama theory and practice at the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing at Hong Kong Baptist University.

 agnès b. Brand Founder
Snap Cardigan – The epitome of timeless fashion.

This drama workshop will take the design concept of the enduring Snap Cardigan as its starting point to explore the themes of confidence and beauty. Snap Cardigan is the best representation of the brand’s Timeless Design, enduring through over forty seasons, remaining fresh and versatile with its simple and versatile design that can be worn in almost any occasion. The brand has always adhered to “slow fashion”, pursuing classic design and ultimate quality, while constantly innovating, introducing over 150 variations of Snap Cardigan, creating sustainable classics.

Connect life through drama workshops

Before the drama workshop, Shao Meijun specifically shared with “ZTYLEZ” the opportunity to collaborate with agnès b., as well as the emotional journey she has been on with the drama.

ZTYLEZ: Most people first got to know or came into contact with you through stage plays. Can you share what stage plays mean to you?

Luna: Theater has become the most important part of my life. Although it is a job, it actually contains a lot, including views on life, views on people, thoughts on personal growth, and many different emotions. I feel that being able to turn my interests into a profession is a very happy thing. Even though there may be a lot of pressure at times or facing many challenges, because it is turning interests into a profession, there will be greater wisdom and tolerance to overcome difficulties. Therefore, I consider myself in a very happy state.

ZTYLEZ: Many times, stage plays are a microcosm of life and can bring different emotions and inspirations to the audience. As a performer, what do you most hope to bring to the audience?

Luna: Because many works describe humanized emotions, if the audience feels connected, I think there are mainly two directions. One is the connection because they are moved, so they release emotions; the other connection is that you have had a similar experience before, which gives you the opportunity to rethink how you would choose again. The most interesting thing about drama is that after the audience sees a story, they directly connect it to their views on life. So before every performance, I always tell myself that every audience member is seeing this stage play for the first time, even though I have performed many times and probably know where I can take a break. But I never “slack off” because every audience member has the right to experience their own inspiration. I hope to present the stage play as authentically as possible for the audience to feel.

ZTYLEZ: Can you share some different stages of your experience in stage plays? Which stages or performances were particularly important or memorable for you? For example, the first performance, founding a theater group, or even your current theater education…

Luna: The inevitable path for graduates of the performing arts academy is freelancing, which is very passive. It’s always waiting for someone to remember you, and only then will you have job opportunities. After graduating, I went through a two-year freelance career, which was a very special stage. I had to take on all kinds of roles, not just in stage plays but also in various types of performances. For example, I went to schools for touring performances, usually promoting anti-smoking, anti-drug, and consumer awareness. But because each performance also involved inviting children on stage for interaction, my improvisational skills were honed during that time. For instance, we once had to perform in a mall, and the scary part was that there might be no audience, or even just a dog in the audience. The show must go on. This is the spirit of performance. Because we are all professional actors, these experiences have solidified our acting careers. After these two years, I once performed with a partner, Tang Chun-yip, in a difficult and immersive performance that we called a “gag show.” We had many feelings during that time, and we suddenly had the idea that instead of sitting on the sidelines, we should establish our own theater troupe to play the roles and performances we wanted. Despite the hardships, at least we could choose. So we founded the Windmill Grass Theater Troupe, which was an important milestone for us and a crucial decision in our careers.

I have been walking this path all along, until this age now, another voice tells me that I am no longer the leading actress. It makes me think whether I should step down and move to another position. I have had many conversations with myself, asking if I need to transition. But because I love the stage too much, acting is where I find joy, even examining a crucial point in my life. So even if I transition, I will still keep the position of an actress and explore other directions, such as teaching drama courses.

ZTYLEZ: As you have been brave in pursuing your dreams in the world of theater, do you have any words of wisdom to share with those who are currently chasing their dreams?

Luna: Many people who are chasing their dreams often have a mindset of “I hope this and that,” and then wait for an opportunity to come. I believe that in my own pursuit of dreams, the most important thing is not just to speak about what I love, but when you have that passion and love, you need to plan the path you want to take, work hard to pursue your dreams, and not just talk or imagine.

ZTYLEZ: What was the opportunity to collaborate with agnès b. on the drama workshop this time?  

Luna: Before agnès b. invited me to collaborate on a workshop, she shared the story behind the founder Agnès Troublé and the classic Snap Cardiagn. It turns out that the creation of this Snap Cardiagn was inspired by a day when she felt hot and decided to cut open a one-piece outfit for more convenience. She understands her own needs and personality very well, and it was this self-awareness that led her to create the Snap Cardiagn. She also thought about how busy every woman is, with many details to handle in life, but still wanting to look beautiful. She hopes to allow every woman to feel naturally and freely beautiful. After hearing this story, I was deeply moved and it reminded me of why I initially loved drama. It was because of my personal growth – I used to lack confidence, but drama changed me. Sitting here now for an interview is something I never imagined when I was a teenager. My experiences, the story of the Snap Cardiagn, and the brand’s philosophy resonate with my journey of pursuing my dream in drama. This collaboration is right up my alley, so I accepted the invitation.

ZTYLEZ: What experience do you hope participants will gain through the drama workshop?

Luna: I feel that everyone’s lives are very busy, and there are few opportunities to slow down and understand themselves in life. Whether a person is beautiful or not is not just about appearance, whether their features are attractive, cheeks are thin or not, or whether their figure is the best. It is about knowing what one needs the most. So, I hope that through the workshop, everyone will have the opportunity to calm down and have a dialogue with themselves, think about what they need, rediscover the image they want, and think about what kind of person they want to be in life. I think this is very important.

Details about the workshop :

(Fashion consultant and stylist Sarah Lam, stage actress Siu Mei-kwan)

agnès b. not only invited the famous stage actress Shao Meijun to hold a drama workshop, but also hosted an image guidance workshop by fashion consultant and stylist Sarah Lam, introducing the latest fashion trends and guiding participants on how to choose suitable clothing through interactive sharing, providing simple personal styling guidance and daily dressing tips.

Drama Workshop

Host: Shao Meijun
Date: April 21, 2024 (Sunday)
Time: First session: 10:45am – 1:30pm / Second session: 2:45pm – 5:30pm
Location: Drama rehearsal room in Tsuen Wan West (Detailed address will be notified to participants individually)
Capacity: 30 participants per session, first come first served.

Image Consulting Workshop

Host: Sarah Lam
Date and Location:

1.        2024年4月18日 (四)agnès b. K11藝術購物館店
尖沙咀河內道18號K11購物藝術館G26, G28 &119店
2.        2024年4月23日 (二)agnès b. 國際金融中心店
3.        2024年4月24日 (三)agnès b.  又一城店
4.        2024年4月25日 (四)agnès b.  Fashion Walk店
銅鑼灣Fashion Walk京士頓街2-4號地下及1樓B舖

Time: 6:30pm – 8:15pm
Quota: 12 people per class, first come first served

Workshop Registration Link:   https://tinyurl.com/agnesbDramaStylingWorkshop
Registration Fee: HK $200
*Participants who successfully attend the workshop will receive HK$200 agnès b. cash voucher
*Once registered for the workshop, fees are non-refundable
*Cash vouchers are not valid at SOGO and the Ap Lei Chau Marina Square store

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