May 5, 2020

#New Product Alert: Innisfree collaborates with Mentos to launch a limited edition oil-control mineral loose powder, the colorful candy-colored small round box is so cute~ Plus 7 hidden uses for loose powder!

Everyone is familiar with the Korean beauty brand Innisfree, which is loved by many budget-conscious women and students for its high cost-performance beauty products. What’s more, the packaging of each product is very attractive, making it a feast for the eyes. Innisfree has also taken advantage of the arrival of summer to add more color to everyone’s makeup bag, specially collaborating with Mentos to design limited edition packaging for their flagship oil-control mineral loose powder, celebrating the 14th anniversary of this popular product!

I can only say that this limited edition packaging really hits the spot for girls (screams)~~! Innisfree took inspiration from Mentos’ 6 classic flavors: mint, peach, lemon, grape, cherry, and honeydew, to dress up the oil-control mineral powder in colorful candy colors. The original light green round box instantly becomes lively and playful. If you don’t open it, you might really think it’s a candy box!


Not only a big transformation on the outside, even the loose powder has added a unique fruity fragrance, giving a very soothing feeling when used~

Additionally, with the purchase of any two limited edition oil-control mineral loose powders, you will receive a free set of 3 soft powder puffs and 5 mini pearl beads, really super attractive to collect a set!

7 additional oil-control mineral loose powders hidden uses!

Those who have used Innisfree’s oil-control mineral powder know that it can effectively absorb excess sebum, control the balance of water and oil, and make makeup last longer in the hot summer. But besides using it on the face, in fact, loose powder has other uses (such a high cost-performance ratio!)!

  1. Dry Hair: During the summer, the scalp is prone to oiliness. You can apply loose powder to the top of your head and forehead, then gently pat it away to reduce the greasy feeling of your hair.
  2. 眼部妝前底霜:在上眼妝前,可以一層薄薄的散粉打底,令後續眼妝發色度更好,更持久貼服
  3. 睫毛膏打底:大家可先將散粉輕塗上睫毛,再上睫毛膏,可使濃密效果及固定力提升
  4. 打造啞緻唇妝:在塗唇膏後,可隔著紙巾輕輕拍上散粉,令唇妝變啞緻
  5. 指彩打底:在搽上指甲油前,可利用散粉為甲面去除油分,令指甲油著色力更加強
  6. 止汗:大家可把散粉當成止汗劑使用,令身體保持乾爽,減輕黏笠感
  7. 混合光影粉:將閃粉與散粉混合,並拍上鎖骨、膝蓋等位置,令肌膚更顯光澤感

圖片來源: Innisfree , @innisfreeofficial

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