7月 21, 2021

Valentino Beauty彩妝系列試色 | Rainbow玩味創意妝容教學 | ZBEAUTY

去年9月,Valentino 对旗下美妆系列进行改革,除了为Valentino Beauty创造专属logo、开设个别的社交平台账号之外,更找来歌后Lady Gaga为品牌新香水Voce Viva出镜。以上种种已经足够惊喜了吗?品牌连串举动原来是为了更震撼的Valentino Beauty彩妆系列铺路!

自从,Valentino 彩妆系列登场的消息曝光至今,全球美妆迷都对此高级奢侈品牌的彩妆品有绝对的期待。从来都不负众望的品牌创意总监 Pierpaolo Piccioli 再次展示他的创作才华,把意大利高级订制时装灵魂注入彩妆当中,创作出质感与高效兼备的美妆,让女生们从美妆感受备受时尚迷推崇的 Haute Couture 美学。

Valentino Beauty

This Valentino Beauty series by Pierpaolo Piccioli uses the brand’s classic red Valentino Rossi as the main theme for the entire series packaging, combined with the classic V logo, integrated into a simple design with eye-catching yet elegant style of a fashion brand. The most eye-catching item in the series is undoubtedly the Go-clutch portable makeup mirror box, inspired by fashion accessories, adding a metal shoulder strap to the makeup box that combines lipstick and powder, turning it into a small clutch. In addition, the foundation and lip makeup in the series are also quite noteworthy, with 18 shades of foundation known for their lightweight texture and long-lasting wear, while the lipstick comes in 50 different shades, not only varying shades of red but also options like orange and purple. For a debut makeup collection, it is definitely a sincere and impressive work.

想感受 Valentino Beauty 彩妝系列的魅力,參考化妝師 Rainbow 的創意,你可以用系列中的高訂雙效塑型眼線筆,分別以黑色及桃紅色畫上不同的眼線,黑線波浪線條與桃紅色的波點,再配上高訂經典唇膏 #111A 打造梅果紅色的唇妝,一個充滿玩味卻簡潔易掌握的創意彩妝即成!

了解更多:Valentino Beauty Hong Kong Facebook

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