March 11, 2019

Ordinary Monday


Monday Blue is a term that has risen in popularity on social media in recent years, representing the sad feeling of having to return to the office after the weekend. Therefore, Monday is often when concentration and productivity are at their lowest, and many people choose to take a “sick” day or arrive late to work, leaving on time. It’s not easy to deal with work and work-related matters when you arrive at the office exhausted.

This fashion feature invited fashion bloggers Veronica Li, Mellow Mayo, and mixed-race model Nikola Lines to express the thoughts of office workers in a humorous and collage-like manner. We hope you can smile knowingly and breeze through Monday.

(From left to right)

Veronica Li: Wearing MaxMara clothing and Christian Louboutin shoes.

Mellow Mayo: Dress by Diane Von Furstenberg, shoes by Stuart Weitzman

Nikola Lines: Louis Vuitton skirt

Veronica: “If you don’t want to do it, plenty of people do!”

Veronica Li – a famous fashion blogger and stylist, shuttles between major fashion events, brand launches, and designing clothing styles every day, busy to the point of being out of breath. Veronica, who considers herself a perfectionist, has high demands on herself and her work. When talking about the hardships of work, she often keeps the bitterness to herself.

“When it comes to the hardships of stylists, there are just too many!” Veronica laughed. Back when she was just starting out as an assistant to other stylists, she was most afraid of causing the stylist to lose face in a work setting, always needing to be on high alert and behave properly. Later on, when I began to stand on my own feet and could choose who to work with, I was most afraid of demanding too much from the models. Every time we shoot, the staff prepares fully for the effect and the final product, but if the models do not cooperate, the end result is never perfect.

“You don’t want to do it, but many people do! This sentence is still engraved in my heart. I received instructions to use fabric A to make dress A, but at that time I didn’t pay attention to the instructions and used fabric A to make design B. Through this experience, I have gained wisdom. I will clearly follow customer instructions and double-check everything to avoid any accidents from happening.” Veronica still remembers this vividly, but believes that making mistakes is a very good learning opportunity that helps oneself grow.

Veronica: Clothing Fendi, shoes Christian Louboutin

Mayo: “Every penny is hard-earned money!”

Fashion blogger Mellow Mayo’s style is all about pink, exuding a youthful and gentle image of femininity. However, Mayo’s work experience is truly impressive, showing a perfect blend of strength and softness! The work experience that may give off a delicate pink impression actually conveys a different sense of strength.

Mayo’s first job was as a summer courier, under the scorching sun, having to travel to different areas to deliver goods every day. Mayo explained that the work was simple every day but physically very exhausting, earning every penny with sweat. As a newcomer to society, Mayo has naturally encountered a lot of blame and hit many walls, but Mayo believes that each time is a learning opportunity, reminding oneself.

For Mayo, every day is a challenging adventure. When facing work pressure, Mayo plans the next trip in her mind, fantasizing about swimming in the vast sea, eating special food with her best friends, and exploring in a beautiful outfit in a foreign country. Vacation is often the best way to relieve stress, adjust one’s mind, and refuel for life.

Mellow Mayo

(Left one) Dress by Diane Von Furstenberg

(Right one) Skirt Louis Vuitton

Nikola Lines: “You’re too fat”

As a model, Nikola works with different photographers and clients every day, experiencing all kinds of beautiful clothing. But the glamorous world of modeling is often filled with criticism that can damage self-confidence and even personal attacks. Nikola has heard plenty of harsh words, but she faces all criticism with optimism and rationality, because being true to oneself is the most beautiful thing.

When it comes to the hardships at work, Nikola recalls the most unforgettable one. “I was trying on clothes for an advertisement at the client’s company, and one of the executives directly said you are too fat. I initially thought she was joking, but she reiterated multiple times that I was too fat, and even said before the shoot, you should not eat any food and do two hours of aerobic exercise every day. I was shocked and thought to myself that I wouldn’t compromise my health for a job.”

In a competitive modeling industry, Nikola believes that having a strong mental resilience is key to not getting lost. Imagine a newcomer model who is only 18 years old, blindly accepting all criticisms, only to end up hurting themselves. Nikola understands the importance of learning to release stress in order to have the strength to face tomorrow’s challenges.

(Left one) Top by Diane Von Furstenberg

(Right one) Louis Vuitton skirt

Editor’s Note

Hong Kong has always been known for its long working hours and low wages. “Office workers” in various industries just hope to take a breath easily in life. Created TGIF, Blue Sunday and other internet terms to express the pressure brought by work. Meme, this internet culture, is like a funhouse mirror, reflecting things you hate, like, or fear from a humorous perspective. Work stress is a “universal” language, as long as you have work experience, you will resonate, like finding a kindred spirit in the sea of bitterness, achieving some spiritual comfort.

Making of

Photography: Jensen Hoi 
Behind the Scene: Yanki

Text: Kris Chan 
Styling: Kris Chan Translation: Kris Chan 
Styling: Kris Chan

Hair: Shirley Mak 
Makeup: Shirley Mak

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