January 21, 2022

Louise Wong – The Water-Like Louise Wong

The movie “Anita” was officially released in Hong Kong last year. The discussions before or after the release no longer revolve around the production team, the spectacular scenes, or the box office numbers, but rather the emotions, collective memories, and endless thoughts about “Anita” that linger in our hearts. With a cumulative box office of nearly 62 million, the film was crowned the box office champion of Hong Kong Chinese films in 2021. It also ranked second in the history of best-selling local films in Hong Kong, with over 920,000 admissions, meaning on average, 1 out of 9 Hong Kong residents have seen it. A remarkable achievement.

Louise Wong’s portrayal of Anita Mui has become the focus of attention in the film, with her distinct features, slightly sunken eye sockets, and full lips… At first glance, there is indeed some resemblance to Sister Mei. Making her debut as a newcomer, her first performance was to play a legendary figure, the pressure she faced cannot be described in words. But from the day she accepted the script and agreed to act, she put down the burden and gave it her all.

Rather than physical resemblance, it is Mei’s serious personality that is most similar.

To portray the character, Louise underwent months of special training, learning acting, singing, dancing, and working diligently with the team, finally paying tribute to Sister Mei on the screen with full respect. Sister Mei is not only a legendary role model for Wang Danni, but also a mirror reflecting how she approaches her career, life, and attitude towards life. As Louise said, “When you want to understand a character, you will definitely find some similarities to connect with that character.” In her eyes, Sister Mei shines on stage, moving the era and Hong Kong, while offstage she is a straightforward, delicate, loyal female warrior. Having the privilege of experiencing this brilliant life, Louise feels particularly deeply, even slowly discovering her “encounter” with Sister Mei, like fate arranging subtle changes in her life in the overlapping time and space.

When she was young, she started her career as a model, experiencing many ups and downs along the way. Today, she has become a well-known new actress in the industry. Louise has always faced her career and life challenges with a willingness to accept them. After gaining recognition from “Anita Mui,” we got to know Wang Danni, but what new path does Louise hope to take next? How has this change in identity inspired and motivated her?

After watching the movie “Anita Mui”, why not further understand Wang Danni here – beyond her identity as an actress, she shares as an international supermodel.

“In this play, I feel like everything happened at just the right time.”

I have always believed that whether it is reshaping or reproducing, it is necessary to present each legendary story, emotion, and influence on the table again for the audience to empathize with. Regardless of the method or the confidence of the proposer or producer, the pressure involved is often the most frightening. However, Louise chose to embrace this challenge.

Without self-recommendation, nor deliberately forcing it, Louise entered the big screen and said that everything was arranged by God. “I really believe in God’s arrangement. Fate plus God’s arrangement will make you encounter the right things at the right time.” Previously focused on modeling work, she only wanted to become a Fashion Model representing Hong Kong, never thought of becoming an actress, let alone that her debut work would be playing “Sister Mei,” the legendary figure of a generation.

Sequin-embroidered tulle crop top, Crepe-de-chine crop top, Crepe de chine wraparound skirt, all from PRADA, Dior Tribales earring in metal with gold finish and white resin pearl from Dior

Thanks to fate, she was brought in front of director Leung Lok Man and producer Kong Chi Keung, giving us the opportunity to get to know her.

The movie has been released for over two months now, and Louise still vividly remembers the scene when she first received the script, especially the experience of learning to embody the role from her late acting teacher, “Uncle Chi” Liao Qizhi. After the movie was released, there was unanimous praise in the industry that Louise has successfully portrayed the almost unrepeatable charm of Anita Mui, making people believe that the role of Anita Mui was tailor-made for Louise, with no other choice. However, Louise believes that more than just appearance and charm, the ability to take on this role was more like a predestined script, “I feel that taking on the role of Anita Mui in this movie is actually a script that was written at the right time, when I may have accumulated a lot in life and experienced a lot, making it easier for me to handle the role.”

Wang Danni and Sister Mei are not weak women, both have been working hard for their careers since they were young, without relying on others, they build their own armor and roof. In them, you can feel the toughness and resilience that belong to Hong Kong girls.

Louise admitted that something she has experienced in recent years has made her performance more profound. When asked if encountering the script of “Anita Mui” at a different time would change things, she admitted, “If it happened earlier, I might not have understood the lines in the script or the underlying meanings as clearly.” In the eyes of the audience, Louise taking on this role and script is indeed a significant challenge, but in reality, the strong-willed Louise understands that this challenge was never her choice; rather than saying she deliberately accepted the challenge, it should be said that fate had arranged this challenge in advance.

“So, I think it happened just right.”

To some extent, actors are an extension of models.

Louise started her career at a young age and has always focused on modeling work. She is adept at interpreting different styles with ease. On the day of the shoot, she could instantly immerse herself in emotions, portraying the subtle and artistic style to perfection through her eyes and body language. The photographer even praised her high level of understanding. She explained that her skills come from empathizing with the atmosphere and theme of the shoot, then immersing herself in the emotions and interpreting the essence of the style. “I hope that people can see from me, ‘Oh, she has changed again this time’ or ‘In the second set, she surprised me in some way’ or ‘In the third set, she keeps me guessing.’ I really like this kind of change.”

Every fashion shoot is like acting, taking oneself out to perform another story, and she enjoys it every time.

“To some extent, actors are an extension of models.” Louise shared that her past experience as a model played a crucial role in her ability to become an actor, even sparking her interest in the performing arts, allowing her to explore more possibilities. In her experience of becoming an actor, she feels that besides the shift in identity, it also allows her to try different roles, wear clothing from different eras, and even change aspects such as personality, tone, gaze, and gestures. “Becoming another person, or immersing myself in another person’s story and life, is a deeper interpretation than being a model. So for me, this is a more enjoyable experience, and I hope to continue and make more attempts.”

Perhaps it is precisely because she has been a model that she has her own control and interpretation of fashion, that she can master the ever-changing styles of Anita Mui in the movie.

Arriving here, ask Louise again: “Participating in ‘Anita Mui,’ has it changed your outlook on life?”

She replied, “This movie has made me see many things more openly, not as attached as before, but at the same time it makes me feel that I should cherish time. Because time waits for no one, if you have the intention to do what is in front of you, why not take action now? When you try to take the first step, many things can actually be done, especially when you really like that thing, I think you will encounter many unexpected things happening.”

Knit top and knit skirt all from FENDI, MIKIMOTO x COMME des GARÇONS Necklace in Silver with Akoya Cultured Pearl and Clasp

With neither humility nor arrogance, you will feel the cold and glamorous face in the conversation, actually emitting a firm and eager gaze.

“Inside, I am a silly big sister”

Many people don’t know that, on the T-stage, Wang Danni, who is full of dominance and coolness, is actually a “silly big sister” in private. You may think she is unapproachable, but in private, she is someone who can talk endlessly once she opens up. She is happy to share her opinions and anecdotes from her life. Even when fans DM her, she will reply to each one. She is not as distant as she appears, she can even be described as a “sweet sister”, her tenderness often comes from the love and support of her daughter and husband.

The once very eager for freedom and self-centered Wang Danni has now become a silly big sister who always thinks of her family and has learned to find balance in daily life. “After having a family, I really work hard to find a balance between pursuing what I want to do and making my family feel the love and warmth I give them at the same time.” The composition of the family not only gives Louise more spiritual support but also gives her greater drive in her career.

Her daughter, with a lively and cheerful personality in her eyes, is recognized by family and friends as the life of the party, able to liven up the atmosphere and bring joy to everyone. Her daughter’s optimism has also influenced her, bringing positive energy to her. She recalls a time when she felt discouraged, and her daughter comforted her in turn: “Don’t worry, as long as you’ve done your best, there’s no need to be unhappy. You’ll do even better next time.” This warmed her heart; her husband is also her ultimate support, giving her unlimited support. “So having this family, I feel quite happy myself; they have become a source of energy for me when I go out to work, like a backup, always supporting me from behind.”

Louise added that after taking over the script of “Anita Mui,” she lived the life of “Sister Mui” and made her cherish the people around her more. She also realized that in pursuing what she has always wanted, she needed to establish a firmer belief. In her thirties, Louise jokingly said that her mindset had already entered the “auntie level,” being able to see things in a more mature way. Fortunately, she still maintains her original intention, “Even though I have been involved in this society and working for more than ten years, I still insist on being myself, keeping the simplicity in my heart.”

Cherry Blossom Collection Necklace and Brooch in 18K pink gold with Akoya Cultured Pearl and Diamonds all from MIKIMOTO

Mei, who longs for love, chose to marry the stage by wearing a wedding dress at the singing concert back then; also coming from a single-parent family, Wang Danni, who started working at a young age, found a loving partner who never leaves her side. Some seemingly accidental coincidences, some ambiguous comforts, are probably also the fate and solace in the dark.

“I am like water, Wang Danni, I can blend into many things”

Because of “Anita Mui,” we met Wang Danni. But as the movie ends, returning to her role as a model, she looks forward to what kind of footsteps she will take next?

“Versatile and fun.” Louise replied without hesitation.

“I am actually a very simple person. That is, I can easily blend into things, so this also explains why I find it interesting to embody certain roles. For example, when I immerse myself in a theme, I interpret everything I feel at that moment, and that’s the kind of person I am. So I hope I will become like water, like Wang Dan Ni.”

“After filming this movie, I will take a little time to do what I want to do first – that is to focus on more fashion shoots again – and then wait for another good script to present a different look to everyone.”

“So, in your mind, what does ‘achievement’ mean?”

Throughout the entire interview, Louise rarely paused for a moment to think. She said, “Actually, I think in every stage of life, your different experiences will have some aspects that you did well or not so well. When you do well, you will feel satisfied, and at that moment, you will feel that sense of success is what achievement is all about. However, because I feel that life is long, every time you feel a sense of success, it is all accumulated, so I will not use a single thing to describe a person’s achievement.” Louise continued, “Instead, I think that the path a person walks in life, all the things he has done to shape his final form, that is what I consider to be the ultimate version of ‘achievement’.”

Finally, Louise shared her aspirations for the future, saying, “I want to farm, retreat to the countryside, take care of my family, maybe return to the position of a fashion designer, and establish my own small brand.” Louise believes that after experiencing everything, trying everything, and seeking excitement, one would want to return to a simple life, living happily with their loved ones. For her, simplicity means, “I hope that when I reach my fifties or sixties, I can spend my days harvesting vegetables in the front yard, then return inside to cook.”

Printed Shirt in brown white and Pleat midi skirt in red white all from COS, Ruyi Collection Earrings in 18K white gold with Akoya Cultured Pearl and Diamonds from MIKIMOTO

Because of “Anita Mui”, Louise Wong has shown us her extraordinary side, and has also allowed this girl who craves more to discover another side of herself from another challenge. However, no matter how successful this participation is, tomorrow is always a new beginning. The current Louise believes she is ready, still carrying a heart of gratitude and humility, continuing to move forward. She does not speculate too much about what the next step will be, only willing to exhaust her efforts and time to face, challenge, accept, and progress decisively, turning herself into a water-like Anita Mui, showing more to everyone.

“If you can grasp this determination, actually every day can be wonderful.”

Executive Producer:Angus Mok
Producer:Vicky Wai
Photography:Olivia Tsang
Videography:Andy Lee, Angus Chau
Styling:Vicky Wai
Makeup:Pinky Ku
Hair:Kolen But @ A.R.M.S
Video Editor:Andy Lee
Editor:Carson Lin
Designer:Edwina Chan

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