October 30, 2020

Jerry.C Xie Li – The Digital Life of Slash Generation | BETTER LIFE

“The epidemic has made everyone realize that having only one skill makes you more likely to be eliminated by society,” this is the wake-up call from Jerry C, a slashie with 7 identities. We have always been taught that a stable life equals success – a stable job, stable income, even a stable relationship. Who would have thought that a pandemic could break through even the most stable of situations, leaving you with nothing in an instant. In the midst of instability, it turns out that slashies, the most unstable group, are the way to survive in the present. The more skills, the more facets you have, the more opportunities for success you will have, unleashing infinite possibilities where 1 + 1 is greater than 2!

// 10 年旅遊達人,7 個身份 //

If you are a TV fan, Jerry must be familiar to you. As early as 2010, at the age of 24, he had already become a travel show host, the face of travel agency advertisements, and had traveled to half the world at a young age. His love for travel made Jerry start thinking about the most practical question, which is also the dream of many young people: how to retire early and travel the world! Different from the new generation who only wants to do nothing, Jerry chose to take action. While being a travel expert, he developed different identities, opened a studio called “伵舍,” a tea shop called “走杯,” an online store “JM9,” a production company, and also became an event planner, event emcee, and recently even became an internet celebrity manager.

// 100% 投入比專業更重要 //

The most questioned aspect of Slasher is professionalism. Different industries and identities require achieving a professional level in different areas within a limited time frame, making it seemingly impossible to be proficient in all. In response to this common doubt, Jerry resolves it with experience, “Before starting any new venture, I always spend at least a year and a half to understand and try it out. Through continuous trial and error, I gain confidence in myself and the product before proceeding further.” Progressing from mistakes, accumulating experience, the spirit and results are no less than that of a professional, and even possess a humble attitude towards daring to try and innovate!

// 7 – 24 時間分配大師 //

“If I can complete different tasks within 24 hours, the sense of success from multitasking makes me happy and satisfied!” Non-stop hard work may be exhausting for Jerry, but it is a pleasure, a bit abnormal? Personality determines destiny, attitude determines altitude, and this may be the key to Jerry becoming a Slasher! Long working hours, starting work in the early morning and finishing in the early hours of the morning is normal. To complete unlimited work within limited time, he chooses to prioritize important tasks first, then gradually complete the miscellaneous tasks later, amidst the chaos there is actually a pattern. The hard work of a Slasher is worth it, wasting time, wasting life, will only end up with sour grapes. Envy others for their abundance and worry-free life, regretting the initial desire for temporary comfort.

// 風光後的陰暗面 //

The extraordinary life of multiple identities has made Jerry’s IG account full of exciting updates every day, experiencing a different life from the average office worker. Behind the success and glamour in the eyes of others lies unknown bitterness. “When I upload a photo of a new drink at the tea shop, no one knows how much time I put into this new product.” Without displaying the bitterness of being a “stone grinder” in front of others, what he gets in return is the cold words of netizens. “Endless rumors of me being a second-generation rich, being kept, or having a sugar daddy circulate constantly. I look at it optimistically, success only makes others jealous, which is also a kind of affirmation for me.”

Many people have a negative impression of Slashers, thinking that they are not serious and only pursue immediate gratification, with no bright future ahead. However, after carefully understanding the pursuits and dreams of Slashers who have chosen a slash career path, you will realize that there is not just one traditional way out. Having the courage to step out of your comfort zone, disciplining yourself to learn and progress, even if living a life that may seem unstable to others, can bring more happiness and fulfillment. The pandemic has made everyone think more about life. In this era of great changes, only by being flexible and actively seeking more opportunities can we find the best way to survive.

Some photos are from: @jerryctravel

Producer: Vicky Wai
Editor: Candy Chan
Videographer: @wootwootvisual
Photographer: @mxkan_
Video Edit: @wootwootvisual
Designer: Tanna Cheng
Special Thanks: @jerryctravel , @jagerbengal

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