April 15, 2021

【Spring/Summer Eyeshadow New Challenge】How to master fresh blue and green eyeshadow? Makeup artist Jovi teaches you how to create the Perfect Pastel look | ZBEAUTY

Think back, are the eyeshadow palettes on your makeup table mostly in practical brown and orange tones, or do you occasionally buy a few boxes of deep red or deep purple to follow the trend? With such repetitive eyeshadow products, how can you create a sense of freshness? This spring and summer, why not challenge yourself and try a non-mainstream blue-green eyeshadow!

要在偏黃的亞洲膚色上使用飽和度高的藍綠色,的確是一個考驗。自問時尚氣場不足,也沒有超模般的高級討世臉去駕馭的話,可以先嘗試粉嫩的淺綠及粉藍色。Pastel 色系的飽和度低,不會與偏黃膚色產生強烈對比效果,淡化藍綠色調的遺和感。

Want to enhance the fresh feeling of blue and green eyeshadow? You might want to refer to makeup artist Jovi’s tips. Start by blending the eyeshadow in a circular motion on the eyelids to create a natural gradient effect with the blue and green eyeshadow, then lightly apply a layer of clear lip gloss on top of the eyeshadow to create a shiny, glossy makeup look.

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