10月 27, 2023

允儿演绎 Qeelin Wulu 18 Diamond 系列,展现新生代时尚气息


葫芦造型珠宝是Qeelin的招牌作,巧妙将东方元素以现代手法融入高级珠宝设计。品牌自2004年品牌成立以来,不断将葫芦图案重新演绎,新推出的Wulu 18 Diamond系列突破性加入几何铆钉立面,以摩登风格演绎平衡美感。


The new collection features necklaces, earrings, and bracelets, each design inheriting classic details. The necklace is designed with a minimalist and modern gourd shape, reshaping the symbol of luck; the hollowed-out earrings interpret the charm of both strength and softness; the open-ended bracelet, suitable for stacking, showcases a unique beauty and personality.


品牌代言人允儿亦亲自演绎 Wulu 18 Diamond 系列,随意组合都能带来截然不同的新鲜感,将系列忠于自我的大胆风格表露无遗。

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