Hollywood superstar Julia Roberts is hailed as the person with the most beautiful and radiant smile. As the muse of Chopard’s women’s watches and jewelry collection, she recently shot a new series of “Chopard Loves Cinema” promotional campaign for the brand, showcasing her love and support for films and interpreting the spirit of joie de vivre conveyed by Chopard with her personal charm.
宣传企划由著名电影剧照师Greg Williams操刀,他在电影娱乐界以善于捕捉幕后花絮中的精彩瞬间而闻名。这次,Greg巧妙捕捉Julia Roberts最真挚、最直率的一面,展现她以率性的日常打扮搭配Ice Cube系列的戒指、手链、耳环和项链,以及Alpine Eagle腕表。