7月 24, 2023

NewJeans Haerin 活泼示范!Dior 最新 Rose des Vents Tribale 耳环,缤纷多变的珠宝魅力

In recent years, there has been a trend towards more diverse designs in jewelry, just like Dior’s latest Rose des Vents Tribale earrings, which come with detachable pendants. With just one earring, you can have multiple ways of wearing it, allowing you to easily showcase your personal style. NewJeans Haerin, who became the brand’s newest ambassador in April this year, has shot a new advertisement for the Rose des Vents jewelry series, demonstrating the vibrant and colorful charm of the jewelry with a youthful and lively approach.


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  • 由珠寶藝術總監Victoire de Castellane匠心獨運的Dior Rose des Vents系列珠寶,自2015年問世以來一直以其細緻工藝和獨特設計受到矚目。系列以Dior先生童年大宅的羅盤玫瑰裝飾、他鍾愛的玫瑰花,以及曾為其事業帶來好運的神秘幸運星為靈感。

    这次的Dior Rose des Vents系列全新款式,自然也延续了经典的罗盘玫瑰和八角星之招牌设计,展现出无与伦比的巧思和艺术美感。Rose des Vents Tribale耳环由饰以罗盘玫瑰的圆盘,与镶嵌装饰宝石或密镶钻石的双面图案的吊坠组成,备有黄金或玫瑰金款式。既可单独或成双佩戴,配搭同款或不对称设计,为每位佩戴者塑造独特的造型。

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