7月 6, 2023

可持续发展珠宝:英国珠宝品牌 House of Meraki x Gemfields,推出负责任开采赞比亚祖母绿珠宝系列

House of Meraki

时尚产业越来越关注永续议题,并延伸至珠宝业界,通过负责任的采矿方式,确保采矿的过程符合人道标准与环境保护。近日,珠宝品牌 House of Meraki 与有色宝石供应和推广商 Gemfields 合作推出祖母绿系列作品,便依循可持续发展方向。

House of Meraki

The founder of the British jewelry brand House of Meraki, Gargi Rathi, has always had a special love for emeralds. This precious gemstone serves as the inspiration for all of the brand’s designs. Each piece created by her revolves around the concept of emeralds, embodying the spirit of equality, resilience, and elegance, paying tribute to strong and independent women.

House of Meraki


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