April 2, 2024

Damiani Centennial Jewelry Celebration


Earlier, Damiani held a grand centennial celebration dinner at the Alcione Theatre in Milan, with Jessica Chastain appearing as a special guest as a close friend of the Damiani family. In addition, Italian actress Sofia Loren, as well as the brand ambassadors for Japan and Korea, Misaki Iwata and Lee Sung Kyung, were also present at the event. During the dinner, young singer Matteo Bocelli performed several famous Italian songs, captivating the guests with his enchanting voice.

Damiani was born in the heart of the goldsmith town of Valenza in 1924. This year marks its 100th anniversary, a significant milestone for this historic jewelry company. To celebrate this timeless 100th birthday, the brand held a Damiani Centennial Celebration – the 100 X 100 Genesis Top Jewelry Exhibition at the prestigious Gallerie d’Italia Museum in Italy, commemorating the brand’s first century. With a century of accumulated craftsmanship, they officially presented the “Centennial Genesis Collection” of 100 masterpieces of goldsmith art, including a variety of over 100-carat gemstone masterpieces, each one a priceless treasure that fully showcases Damiani’s 100% Italian heritage.

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