February 1, 2024

L’ÉCOLE Jewelry Art School Open Day


L’ÉCOLE Jewelry Arts School will hold an open day at its Asia-Pacific branch located in K11 MUSEA on February 3rd, leading participants to explore the world of jewelry art from multiple perspectives. Starting from today, the public is invited to register for the open day. During a one-hour guided tour, everyone will have the opportunity to experience various jewelry art course demonstrations and guided tours of jewelry exhibitions, delving into different interpretations of aesthetics.

On the day of the open house, through the exhibition tour of “Aesthetic Gaze: Thousand Lights Chamber Jewelry Collection”, everyone can embark on a unique aesthetic perspective of collectors, witnessing a local private jewelry collection that spans from the 18th century to the present, along with the cultural evolution of the East and the West. In addition to the exhibition tour, participants will also experience demonstrations of jewelry art courses at L’ÉCOLE, with three major course categories including exquisite craftsmanship (Savoir-Faire), art history of jewelry (Art History of Jewelry), and the world of gemstones (The World of Gemstones), in order to cultivate aesthetic cultivation related to jewelry art.

Participants will have the opportunity to explore different aspects of the art of jewelry, including learning about the evolution of jewelry styles in the course “A History of Jewelry: From Louis XIV to the Art Deco Period” guided by the academy’s art historians. They will also have the chance to understand the process of jewelry design and creation in the demonstration class “From Design to Model,” for example, learning about the expression of aesthetic concepts through the use of watercolor painting. For those interested in the world of gemstones, they can interact with the academy’s gemologists and appreciate the beauty of colored gemstones from multiple perspectives in the course “Gemstone Identification.”

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