January 30, 2024

Boucheron’s new high-end jewelry collection takes inspiration from formal attire.


Boucheron’s Creative Director, Claire Choisne, finds inspiration in formal dresses and transforms elements such as badges, buttons, embroidery, and tassels into design materials. She refreshingly interprets the concept of formal dresses and cleverly uses crystals and diamonds to showcase a whole new variation, creating 24 brand new masterpieces of high-end jewelry that showcase the possibilities of fashion from a fresh perspective.

“The Power of Couture” series is not limited to the common extravagant decorations of formal wear, but focuses on the consistent characteristics of materials such as crystals and diamonds. The monochromatic design not only reduces the baroque taste of traditional gold decorations, but also makes the jewelry visually lighter. Claire Choisne admits, “The difficulty in creating this series lies in making the hard gold and gemstones appear soft and gentle like fabric.”

In the hands of craftsmen, crystals and diamonds exhibit the exquisite effect and soft texture comparable to silk. The series of 24 new high-end jewelry pieces break through the limitations of materials, showcasing the essence of jewelry and countless ways to wear them, creating a new chapter in the history of high-end jewelry and fashion.

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