May 19, 2023

【76th Cannes Film Festival】Natalie Portman will appear as the “godmother” and present the Chopard Award for Most Promising Actor.


The 76th Cannes Film Festival is taking place in Cannes, France, and one of the highlights is the “Chopard Trophy for Promising Actors” (Le Trophée Chopard). This year, Chopard has invited Natalie Portman to be the presenter, witnessing the younger generation’s journey to success.


The brand invites respected “godfathers” and “godmothers” of the film industry as award presenters every year. Cate Blanchett, Julianne Moore, Helen Mirren, Robert De Niro, Sean Penn, and others have been invited in the past. This year, the brand announced the invitation of Natalie Portman. In addition to recognizing her achievements in film and theater, her passion for social activism is also one of the reasons she stands out. Natalie Portman is also a brand ambassador for Chopard and wore Chopard Green Carpet earrings on the red carpet in 2018, creating anticipation for her jewelry and outfit choices at this year’s Cannes Film Festival.

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