July 8, 2019

Many celebrities demonstrate! DE BEERS proudly presents the HORIZON ring series, with a free rotating feature to enhance the fun of wearing.


Luxury jewelry brand DE BEERS has set its sights on the market of young professionals, launching the HORIZON ring series with a design that embodies the brand’s exquisite craftsmanship at a relatively affordable price. The simple yet intricate design and artisanal craftsmanship have led to the creation of the HORIZON ring, which has also gained favor among many celebrities.

The word “HORIZON” originates from Greek, meaning “divided circle”. The ring is designed with a circle of closely set diamonds in the center, allowing the wearer to freely move forward, backward, upward, or downward between the two outer rows of rings, thereby changing the appearance of the ring and creating a different style when worn, adding fun to the wearing experience, and symbolizing personal freedom. In addition to its innovative and avant-garde design, the HORIZON ring creates a new aesthetic and uses high-quality diamonds, combined with hand-set methods, to present the unique beauty of the ring.

Renowned photographer Anya Holdstock was brought in to create the visual advertisements, showcasing the unique side of the HORIZON ring by refracting light within the diamonds. Celebrities such as Li Bingbing, Dee Hsu, Naomi Scott, and others have already worn the HORIZON ring, exuding a stylish and elegant vibe.

Source of information and images: provided by DE BEERS

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