真人版芭比电影《Barbie》即将上映,近日一众演员们巡回式出席首映礼活动,为电影强势宣传。除了女主角Margot Robbie每次都以超用心的造型亮相,引起了不少话题之外,有份参与电影演出的英国小天后Dua Lipa同样悉心打扮示人,展现一贯的时尚性感魅力。
In the trailer, you can see Dua Lipa surprisingly transform into a red-haired “sexy mermaid Barbie” in the movie. She also sings the theme song “Dance The Night” for the film. Recently, she attended the European premiere of “Barbie” in London, wearing her collaboration series with Versace. She wore a printed metallic mesh dress with a hollow flower design and a chain necklace on the chest, paired with butterfly detail sandals and Medusa head necklace and earrings. The look is bright, sexy, and full of youthful vitality!
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在参加早前在洛杉矶举行的电影首映礼时,Dua Lipa同样以网料礼服示人,完美地呼应电影中的角色,如像化身真人版的美人鱼。这套银光闪闪,缀满水晶闪石,既性感又华丽的礼服来自Bottega Veneta,透视设计将一副完美身材表露无遗,并佩戴了Tiffany & Co.的白金和钻石珠宝,显得非常迷人。