7月 14, 2020

最佳代言人!全智贤以多款超炫 McQueen 造型登时尚封面!

全智贤复出幕前步伐愈走愈近,无论电视圈、电影圈或者时尚圈,都经常见到她的身影。继上个月惊喜接下Alexander McQueen品牌大使一职之后,全女神即时发挥她最佳代言职责,身穿品牌服饰,拍下一辑令人惊艳的时尚封面!

这个让粉丝高叫「必收」的封面,是出自韩国版《W Magazine》8月号,杂志找来全智贤穿上 Alexander McQueen 2020 秋冬系列最新服装拍摄。难得找来近年罕有出现时尚杂志封面的全智贤,《W Magazine》一口气地推出了 3 个不同版本、不同造型的封面,大方不私藏女神的美貌。

Three covers are full-body, half-body, and super close-up headshots. In the full-body cover, Jun Ji-hyun wears a black embroidered lace fluffy skirt, which is a glamorous red carpet look for a female star. In the half-body version, she switches to an over-sized white shirt paired with patent leather skinny pants, stylish and impressive. The final close-up headshot version is a black and white photo with messy hair but a sharp and determined look, exuding a strong presence! Which of these three different versions of Jun Ji-hyun do you love? 三个封面分别为全身、半身及超近的大头照。全身入镜的封面中,全智贤穿上黑色刺绣蕾丝蓬蓬裙,完全是女明星走红地毯的华丽打扮。而半身版的封面,她就换上 over-sized 白恤衫加上漆皮窄裤,型格又有气势。最后的大头特写版,则是一张头发被吹乱,而眼神却相当坚定凌厉的黑白照,气场极强!这 3个不同感觉的全智贤,你爱哪一个?

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