April 29, 2021

Charmaine Sheh appears in Giorgio Armani’s “Crossroads” project to share her dream-chasing story, encouraging women to bravely express themselves.

Giorgio Armani Crossroads

In recent years, Charmaine Sheh, who has stepped into Hollywood, was promoted to a mother shortly after and then returned to work, continuing to pursue her acting dreams. She recently participated in the “Crossroads” project by Giorgio Armani , sharing her life’s key moments in a short film, encouraging women to confidently express themselves and show their strong and elegant side.

“Crossroads” means “intersection,” and the naming of the project symbolizes the indecisiveness women face in life, with these choices profoundly impacting their future. The 14 outstanding women participating in the Crossroads project come from around the world, with different professions and outlooks on life. In addition to Charmaine Sheh, there are also Lebanese TV personality Raya Abirached, award-winning Italian writer Chiara Barzini, American ballet dancer Misty Copeland, and others. They were interviewed in different cities, sharing the choices they made at key moments when they found themselves at a “crossroads,” and the rewards and growth that decision brought them.

Giorgio Armani Crossroads

In the video, Fala shared a memorable and important moment: “Last year, we went to Australia to shoot the first Marvel superhero movie led and performed by Asians. In my growing up years, even in my wildest dreams, I never thought I would become an actress, as my father hoped I would become a librarian.”

Giorgio Armani Crossroads

It is this courage to break free from constraints and pursue dreams that makes Fala appear more elegant and confident, while also revealing female power.

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