德国细胞再生领域权威Augustinus Bader继与Victoria Beckham合作屡获好评后,今个秋季宣布与极具前瞻性的时装设计师兼创意总监Haider Ackermann携手合作,推出Haider Ackermann x Augustinus Bader限量版产品,令人不得不重新注意这个风靡全球的小众品牌!
Augustinus Bader has over 30 years of experience in cellular regeneration research. To celebrate the 5th anniversary of the beloved flagship products, The Rich Cream and The Cream, the brand has collaborated with fashion designer Haider Ackermann to give these two products a stunning new look. The bold design features chrome-plated containers that are both fashionable and high-end, perfectly embodying Ackermann’s dedication to lines, fluidity, and futuristic materials.
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設計師與護膚專家的結合總能帶給我們驚喜,Augustinus Bader 與 Haider Ackermann,一個憑藉核心智慧科技「細胞觸發因子TFC8®」顛覆整個美容界,遇上擅於打破性別疆界、以風格創新前衛的時裝設計師,兩大潮流先驅品牌強強聯手碰撞出令人驚艷的全新火花!透過彼此的合作,共同致力於研究、創新和卓越品質,並將 Ackermann 的精緻工藝和專業知識與 Augustinus Bader 的高效、科研配方完美揉合。
This fashion expert has reinterpreted the classic packaging of two flagship face creams, elevating their artistic value to a new level and seamlessly blending aesthetics with functionality. The end result brings a brand new luxurious sensory experience, truly showcasing the Augustinus Bader flagship face creams in a dazzling way.
法国设计师Haider Ackermann:“当Augustinus Bader邀请我合作时,我立即产生了兴趣,并对联乘企划感到非常兴奋,让我在最亲密的层面-肌肤上创造美感。与Charles Rosier的会面,让我了解品牌如何醉心于研究及创新的领域,让我印象非常深刻 — 他们的愿景亦同样启发了我,我很荣幸能成为这次华丽冒险的一份子。”