8月 18, 2023




French women’s style has always been simple and casual, effortlessly embodying a “Effortless Chic” fashion attitude. In terms of skincare, French women who emphasize minimalism pay great attention to the ingredients of skincare products. Therefore, they prioritize quality over quantity when selecting skincare products. They particularly enjoy using products with natural organic ingredients and plant-based formulas, as well as using only a few skincare products that are suitable for their own skin, achieving truly effective maintenance and reducing the burden on the skin!



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  • Even if you perform daily cleansing steps, there will always be residual oil and dirt that cannot be cleaned with regular cleansing. If you do not regularly deep clean your skin, it will lead to clogged pores, enlarged pores, and problems such as blackheads, whiteheads, and acne. Especially for oily and acne-prone skin, excessive oil secretion can easily cause pore blockage, exacerbating pore problems and inflammatory acne. Therefore, deep cleansing and detoxifying the skin is particularly important for oily and acne-prone skin!

    Contains classic hydrating formulas, avocado, sweet almond oil, and a variety of minerals and other nourishing ingredients, replenishing and locking in moisture for the skin, promoting the penetration of active ingredients, enhancing cellular energy, allowing fatigued and dull skin to regain a clean and radiant glow, improving rough skin texture, and restoring a smooth and delicate touch. Provides detoxification and repair for the entire body’s skin, with a deeply relaxing and healing sensation.

    BORGHESE 牛油果深层清洁排毒泥浆 (经典绿泥) HK$400/7.5 盎司


    Absolution 極致淨化亮采面膜 HK$320/50ml

    This sensitive skin acne mask is specially designed for oily, acne-prone skin with blackheads and enlarged pores. It combines three highly effective purifying and anti-acne ingredients, including 100% natural French green clay, 100% natural zinc, and 5 types of 100% natural antibacterial essential oils. It is specially formulated with 100% organic grape seed water for intense moisturizing and soothing. In just 5 minutes, it deeply cleanses and tightens pores, instantly restoring clean and smooth skin with zero pores.

    Caudalie 葡萄净化抗痘面膜 HK$250/75ml

    Using a combination of high-quality clay and French green clay, this product contains various minerals that effectively cleanse pores and remove excess oil. It also combines artichoke extract and sage to relieve skin discomfort caused by excessive sebum and dirt. The texture cools and soothes the skin, gently deep cleanses the pores, leaving the skin clean and refreshed after use.

    信念 深层洁净奇迹泥 HK$200/75ml

    全新多功能紫泥排毒面膜,采用来自可持续采购的紫泥,能温和去除角质。搭配可生物分解的荷荷巴微粒,去除肌肤表面的死皮细胞及老化的角质层,加速细胞代谢,使用后肌肤柔软不干涩,肤质更见光滑细致。添加的芦荟、布荔奇果油、蓝莓素提取物、巴西佩基果油、牛油果油和维生素 E 等抗氧化成分,持续滋润肌肤并注入活力,免受自由基的伤害,重现柔软光滑肌肤。

    CLEAN RESERVE 紫泥排毒面膜 HK$180/59ml 
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