7月 13, 2023

年轻肌这样得来!2023 美肌营养补充品推介 养出健康紧致肌底


Skin care is important, but internal supplementation should not be ignored! In addition to the highly acclaimed whitening pills and collagen beauty drinks, more and more brands are focusing on skin immunity and launching immune beauty powders to help build a solid foundation for the skin from the inside out! Here are some recommended 2023 beauty nutritional supplements to keep your skin hydrated and plump, and achieve firm and smooth skin from within!



提到POLA,大家定必試過它們人氣的WHITE SHOT美白丸及抗糖化口服液!品牌更一直貫徹由內至外的美肌概念,最近就推出了全新保健食品Barricade 3乳酸菌免疫美肌粉,全方位照顧到肌膚、腸道和身體三方面的守護防線,提升身體的免疫力。

蘊含Shield 乳酸菌®、刺梨果汁粉末和發酵米糠精華,有效強化腸道免疫力並改善肌膚屏障及膚質,防止肌膚出現敏感不適,同時鎖住水分,提升光澤度和柔軟肌膚,亦有助減少粉刺,讓肌膚煥發清新氣息。

POLA Barricade 3 乳酸菌免疫美肌粉 HK$920 / 90 包


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  • Believe everyone is no stranger to SHISEIDO ULTIMUNE flagship immunity essence, continuing to enhance the skin’s own immunity. SHISEIDO brings the new ULTIMUNE immunity beauty powder! It contains patented active bifidobacterium BB-12™, and incorporates Japanese wild blueberries to promote collagen production and shea butter to promote blood circulation. It efficiently activates immune cells and comprehensively enhances skin immunity from the inside out!


    SHISEIDO ULTIMUNE Probiotic Powder 免疫力美肌粉 HK$430 / 30包



    丰盛生活 嫩肌回复抗糖透嫩肌丸 HK$428 / 60粒

    Contains Superfood ingredients that satisfy the body’s needs and help reverse aging, such as NAD+ and Vitamin B – Niacin, effectively accelerating skin cell metabolism and repair speed, speeding up skin rejuvenation, and combating pigmentation and dullness. The added Ceramide strengthens the skin’s barrier function, making the skin surface plump and elastic! The flagship plant-based K-1 lactobacillus effectively improves overall skin condition and accelerates body detoxification function, promoting intestinal peristalsis in a short period of time, accelerating the elimination of waste from the body, reducing toxin accumulation, and increasing metabolism!

    Unimat 奇迹活肤果昔 HK$198
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