6月 21, 2023

肌肤都可测出 MBTI?AI 护肤引领美容新趋势 寻找命定护肤方案

AI 護膚

科技美容商机日渐增大,”智能美容”已成为不少集团来年发展的重点趋势!之前也跟大家提到头号美妆集团 L’Oreal 率领美容行业朝向 AI 护肤的发展。最近它们也有新搞作,亦有品牌紧贴潮流,可测出肌肤 MBTI,一起来看看到底是什么吧!

Lancôme 全方位智能皮肤分析服务

近年来,L’Oreal积极发展美妆科技,推出了唇膏辅助器Hapta。今年,Lancôme也推出了全方位智能皮肤分析服务,不断发展品牌专属的Beauty Tech美肌科技服务。

全方位智能肌肤分析(Skin Screen)采用三种不同专业光源及独特算法,从8大范畴全方位评估肌肤状况,包括肤质、泛红部位、色斑、可见毛孔、细纹及皱纹、紫外线影响等,并由Lancôme美容顾问为你讲解针对每项肌肤问题的分析结果,帮助设定切合肌肤所需的日常护肤建议。

In addition, through a unique algorithm that covers two exclusive categories of skin analysis, it provides a more comprehensive skincare diagnostic solution: hydration and firmness. Based on the answers provided by customers in the questionnaire and the professional knowledge of beauty consultants, the hydration level of the customer’s skin will be assessed from low to high. Skin Screen is now available at designated counters, where beauty consultants will assist in a six-step skin analysis process that accurately analyzes the skin condition in just 20 minutes, providing personalized skincare recommendations for you!


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  • LILYARI AI 护肤品调制师

    LILYARI 深信每个人都有自己的肌肤语言,利用科技倾听肌肤真正所需,随着大数据的创新,结合崭新 AI 专利智能方程的技术突破,推出革命性「AI 护肤品调制师」。通过 120,000 种原生皮肤大数据库及算法诊断出 40 种皮肤 MBTI,以严谨精密的科研标准剖析肌肤属性和根本问题,提供超革新个性化定制配方,LILYARI 首间概念限定店已现登陆 K11 MUSEA!

    AI 護膚
    LILYARI 革命性「AI 护肤品调制师」


    AI 護膚

    Just 4 minutes to create a personalized skincare kit on the spot, accurately blending your own personal skincare series. In addition, LILYARI also prepares a two-week supply (15ml) for each custom order based on the skin’s changing cycle. After customers finish using it, they need to re-diagnose their skin, making each product usage experience closer to the skin’s current needs!

    AI 護膚
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