5月 30, 2023

2023年洁面产品推介!夏日零油光护肤 第一步 洗后保湿不紧绷


夏日炎炎,肌膚容易出油,還伴隨汗水和空氣中的髒汙,導致黑頭粉刺及暗瘡的形成!夏日護膚最重要一步由清潔做起,去除老廢角質,並清除臉上多餘的油脂和污垢,讓肌膚回復零油光。以下精選 5 款潔面產品,同步潔面保濕,助你徹底清潔毛孔,保持肌膚清爽水潤!

After cleansing, the most feared feeling on the face is tightness and discomfort. You might as well choose the gentle Augustinus Bader Rich Cleansing Cream, which deeply cleanses without making the skin feel dry or disrupting the microbiome! This purifying cleanser, suitable for daily use, can transform from a lightweight cream into a dense foam texture. It can gently remove impurities, makeup, and excess oil while replenishing moisture, evening out and brightening the complexion, and keeping the skin soft and hydrated. It is especially suitable for normal to oily skin.

Augustinus Bader 蓝钻丰盈洁面乳 HK$545/100ml

潔面凝膠相比潔面乳更清爽,特別適合油性肌膚!THREE 平衡基萃洗顏凝膠將「潔面、去角質」二合一,添加植物性去角質粒子,配合獨創的寒天基底配方,溫和去角質同時舒緩徹底潔淨,洗後肌膚感到潔淨無比清爽舒適,解決肌膚粗糙及毛孔粗大的問題!

THREE 平衡基萃洗颜凝胶 HK$365/100ml


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  • 与Kiehl’s人气面膜同系列的全新亚马逊白泥磨砂洁面粉,其中不含硫酸盐、对羟基苯甲酸酯、乙二胺四乙酸和微粒的粉泡配方,与水混合可搓出丰富绵密泡沫,洁面时不会摩擦到肌肤!洁面粉能即时温和且深层彻底地进行排毒、清除多余油脂、污垢及软化角质,减少出现油光满脸的尴尬情况,令肌肤清爽亮泽。

    KIEHL’S 亚马逊白泥磨砂洁面粉 HK$320/100g

    If you have sensitive skin concerns, choose a cleansing product that is less burdensome on the skin and gentle on sensitivities! The brand new flagship probiotic locking water cleansing milk is formulated with zero fragrance, zero medicinal properties, and zero steroids. It specially incorporates aloe vera probiotics to effectively inhibit harmful bacteria and microorganisms that disrupt skin stability, thus stabilizing sensitive skin conditions. With gentle and skin-friendly ingredients, combined with three major moisturizing and repairing components, it deeply cleanses while moisturizing, making it suitable for sensitive and delicate skin.

    Cetaphil 益生元锁水洁肤乳 HK$135/473ml

    The translation of the provided content into Chinese (Simplified) is as follows: 糖脂潔面乳具有不起泡、不油膩的乳膏質地,是一款水質的溫和潔面乳,有效潔淨面部肌膚上的雜質以及去除粉底、眼線、睫毛液等化妝品。配方溫和不敏感、不刺激,可用於去除眼部化妝,同時不傷皮膚屏障並保持肌膚水分,用後肌膚感到徹底潔淨,膚質明顯變得淨透柔滑。

    The Ordinary 糖脂潔面乳 HK$104/150ml
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