5月 11, 2023



春夏季节闷热,加上经常出入冷气地方,肌肤容易变得干燥缺水、敏感等肌肤不稳状态。想时刻保持肌肤水润透亮,先要做好保湿这一步。以下为大家推介 2023 保湿乳液,一就能做到同步补水、锁水、清爽零负担,哪是否所有肤质或季节都适合使用呢?

// 什么季节适合使用保湿乳液?// 


// 适合什么肤质使用的保湿乳液?// 

Due to the excessive sebum secretion of oily skin, it is recommended to choose a refreshing and easily absorbed moisturizing lotion to replenish the skin’s moisture and achieve oil control and pore minimizing effects. It is highly recommended for combination skin that tends to be oily in the T-zone and U-zone, and it can also be used in conjunction with a moisturizing cream with higher oil content to nourish the drier cheeks as a targeted skincare approach. Dry skin should choose a lotion with relatively higher oil content to maintain the skin’s moisture and tenderness. For sensitive skin, it is important to select a moisturizing lotion with natural ingredients, gentle and low irritation, alcohol-free, and fragrance-free to help soothe sensitivity and redness.

// Correct usage of moisturizer // 

Before using moisturizer, first moisturize the skin with toner or lotion to help the subsequent absorption of skincare products. Then apply moisturizing serum to inject nutrients into the skin. The simplest way is to directly apply moisturizer to the face with fingertips, using the warmth of the palms to accelerate the penetration of the moisturizer into the skin. For dry skin, it is recommended to start by applying moisturizer to oily areas such as the T-zone and U-zone, and then gently press and spread outward. For combination skin, start by applying moisturizer to drier areas such as the eye area, cheeks, and corners of the mouth. For oily skin, simply apply a thin layer evenly on the entire face to enhance moisturizing and water-locking effects.


La Mer 水潤保濕乳液

Lightweight and weightless, the lotion contains the Miracle Broth™ skin-renewing essence that promotes cell regeneration. It provides continuous healing hydration for the skin throughout the day, nourishing, strengthening, and stabilizing the skin, promoting deep moisturization and care.

La Mer 水潤保濕乳液 HK$1,080/50ml ; HK$2,320/125ml
POLA B.A 精华泡沫乳液

B.A 精华泡沫乳液是一种具有精华液功效的泡沫型紧肤乳液。其”提拉泡沫配方”将泡沫和乳液融合在一起,结合了两种聚合物和气体,带来柔滑舒适的质感,同时能够均匀地延展并覆盖全面,形成提拉薄膜,从而达到紧致肌肤的功效。

POLA B.A 精华泡沫乳液 HK$950/84g

为肌肤深层补水而不会造成过大负担?fresh 玫瑰深层保湿平衡乳液为所有肤质打造完美的水油平衡度,触感轻盈。由保加利亚大马士革玫瑰萃取作为核心成分,配合迅速吸收的乳液质感,能从肌肤深层内部补水,撫平肌肤更可收细毛孔,显著淡化干纹。

新鲜的玫瑰深层保湿平衡乳液 HK$420/100ml
THREE 平衡基萃水凝乳


THREE 平衡基萃水凝乳 HK$620/80ml
RMK 清肌护理保湿液

For the purpose of balancing the skin’s keratin levels, effectively remove sebum and keratin that are difficult to wash off during face cleansing, and prevent pore blockage caused by keratin and other keratin-related issues. With a fine powder formula, it has a light and refreshing texture that adheres to the skin and effectively removes residual oil, helping the skin stay fresh and creating a smooth and radiant complexion.

RMK 清肌护理保湿液 HK$340/150ml
ATORREGE AD+ 美肌锁湿乳液 (3)


ATORREGE AD+ 美肌锁湿乳液 (3) HK$320 /80ml

Anua 70% 鱼腥草舒缓保湿乳液

Use high concentration 70 fishy grass instead of pure water to ensure fresh ingredients and create a moisturizing and smooth skin. The refreshing texture is not greasy, using all vegan plant materials, and passing the German Dermatest skin sensitivity test, sensitive skin can also use it with peace of mind!

Anua 70% 鱼腥草舒缓保湿乳液 HK$188 /200ml
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