迎接2024年,各大美妆品牌陆续推出新品,重点放在底妆、唇妆上,Byredo、Gucci Beauty率先推出全新唇膏,Christian Louboutin、su:m37°也带来了令人惊喜的底妆产品,一同跟上纯素美妆的风潮,想知道本季有哪些话题美妆新品吗?一起来看看吧!
Christian Louboutin Beauty 霧感持妝粉底液
想要追求大势无暇雾感的底妆,但又想同时拥有遮瑕力,那你可以选择Christian Louboutin雾感持妆粉底液!继钻石亮肌气垫粉底、哑光控油粉饼、晶透无瑕粉底膏后,品牌今年重磅推出首款粉底液,质地如丝绸般柔滑,细致质感与肌肤融为一体,具有雾感遮瑕力,同时透出高质感的自然光泽,一定能给你惊喜!
Byredo 绒面哑光唇釉
如同液态唇露,今回Lucia Pica也一次带来10款高显色度的的丝绒哑光唇釉,从写实柔和的Muted Cry到丰腴质感的玫瑰木和棕色调的Space In Between和Calmer,再从Red Coma和Fire Grace亮丽鲜艳的红色,延伸至沉实深红的Marriage都一应俱备,既不显唇纹,又能拥有时尚有态度的丰盈唇妆。Byredo希望通过饱满的色彩向自我呐喊,让你尽情绽放独特的魅力,在人生留下灿烂色彩。
- 新年前肌肤急救术!必入 SOS 救肤单品,短时间内修复皮肤问题就靠它们
- 為造型注入前衛個性!CHARLES & KEITH 與 Chet Lo 聯名合作
- Dior Beauty 2024 新品搶先看:抗老必備「童顏精華」、迷你香薰膏可愛登場!
Gucci’s new “Gloss à Lèvres Lip Gloss” will definitely not disappoint you! Drawing inspiration from the stars in the sky and the dazzling starlight, the bottle is adorned with a fashionable and eye-catching star-shaped pattern, complemented by a gold cap and gold lettering, perfectly embodying the creative director Sabato De Sarno’s advocacy of confidence, sexiness, and charm. With 9 different color options, including natural transparent, fresh light pink, pink orange, bright maroon, bright peach pink, and bright brown, each color is super beautiful, making it difficult to choose. Go for the complete set!
su:m37° 純素親膚美妝系列 Skin-stay
「纯素美妆」(Vegan Beauty)绝对是近几年美妆圈最流行的关键词之一,除了零动物实验外,也不含任何动物成分,成分安全纯净,因此备受一众爱美人士追捧!su:m37° 今年推出全新纯素亲肤美妆系列 Skin-stay,包含纯素保湿润唇霜与纯素透亮气垫粉底 SPF50+/PA+++,强调全系列产品不进行动物实验,且使用100%天然纯素香料、不添加20种有害成分,并均通过敏感皮肤试验,化妆同时护肤,包装设计也遵循环保永续概念的保养风潮,让你以健康活力之美迎接新一年!
If you like a moisturizing and thin foundation, you might consider getting a vegan translucent cushion foundation. It not only provides sun protection but also creates a breathable and lightweight glowing base makeup with just a pat. It is rich in 70% skincare ingredients: Glycerin, Vitamin B3, and Pro-vitamin B5, which can lock in moisture, inhibit melanin synthesis, and provide antioxidant effects. It also has the benefits of reducing wrinkles and whitening the skin. It not only perfectly fits the skin, leaving no trace, but also lasts a long time. The foundation does not clump or cake, giving a delicate texture and adherence like applying skincare products. The editor especially loves the radiant finish after applying it, it is absolutely stunning!
想解决干裂、脱皮与唇纹的困扰,推荐这款纯素保湿润唇膏,绝对称得上是润唇膏与唇膜的完美结合体!100% 纯素与 95% 天然成分结合润唇膏和唇膜的好处,为双唇带来细致的呵护和长达 12 小时的保湿,舒缓敏感的唇部肌肤。不仅能够抚平唇纹,打造细滑纹理,还能柔和地去除唇部角质,改善 5 大唇部老化迹象,让双唇长保光滑柔嫩,告别死皮与暗沉!