9月 19, 2023



If there are concave problems on the face, not only does it easily appear tired, but it also looks quite old! In order to create a natural translucent feeling, in addition to using pearls and highlights to modify the contour, it is recommended for beginners to brighten the skin through concealing, making the skin look plump and full of radiance, and at the same time, the effect is more natural, and the facial features become more three-dimensional and distinct. If you are still troubled by facial concavity and dullness, you may want to learn this method of using concealer instead of highlighter!


日常眼周部位容易乾燥,導致浮粉脫妝的問題,這款光影立體遮瑕霜能一次帶來緊緻、提亮、折射陰影功效,高效遮蓋膚色不均!配方糅合 B.A 護膚系列及 B.A 重塑緊緻眼霜的護膚成份,化妝同時帶來抗衰老修護,令眼周肌膚即時變得明亮緊緻。更注入 B.A 底妝獨有的「空氣綠洲」技術,透過光影折射,塑造出立體輪廓!

POLA B.A 光影立体遮瑕霜 HK$ 480


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  • Gucci Beauty’s first lightweight and imperceptible concealer has a very moisturizing texture. It can naturally blend with the skin tone, brighten the complexion, and correct imperfections. It can be layered and has excellent spreadability, giving a natural and zero-powder feeling! It is specially formulated with antioxidant and soothing ingredients to comprehensively nourish the skin and keep it moisturized and radiant. Combining various thin film polymers and button flower extracts, it can create a long-lasting and natural soft-focus makeup look, instantly smoothing out imperfections and helping to reduce under-eye bags, effortlessly creating a bright and comfortable matte makeup look!

    GUCCI Concentré de Beauté 轻盈无感遮瑕液 HK$375

    This concealer is specifically designed for dark circles and dark skin under the eyes. It has a high level of moisturization and its natural creamy formula contains colored pearl powder, which is mainly composed of mineral components that refract light and prism light particles. With just one application, it effectively brightens the under-eye area and reduces fine lines. The added skin-friendly ingredient, Centella asiatica extract, helps increase skin elasticity and strengthen the skin barrier. The best part is that it can be layered for coverage without feeling heavy, and it has excellent long-lasting staying power without creasing!

    NARS Light Reflecting™ 眼底亮采霜 290港元

    如果你也有膚色不均、色素沉澱的問題,十分推薦具抗汗和防暈染的 HUDA Beauty 精修無瑕調色霜!配方柔滑、舒適和透薄,能有效均勻和提亮眼下的肌膚。當中蘊含提亮成分如維他命 C 和菸鹼胺,有助淡化色素沉澱並提亮眼周並不會帶來褶皺!還特別增加了明亮度,能維持一貫的高遮蓋度,讓大家毋須費力即能增強修正膚色的效果!

    HUDA BEAUTY 精修无瑕调色霜 HK$260
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