旅行期间分秒必争,自然就要简化上妆程序!底霜的选择绝对是简化上妆步骤的关键,SOFINA Primavista 5 合 1 完美遮盖底霜 SPF35 PA+++ 集日常防晒、妆前打底、高度遮瑕、持久定妆及调色美肌 5 大功效,薄薄一层足以令毛孔、瑕疵完美隐藏,以最少量的底妆打造出持久零瑕透薄妆容,绝对是追求简约美女生不可或缺的「终极一瓶完妆产品」!
想要在旅行中始终保持完美清新的妆容吗?这款精致的高级定制四色蜜粉令人无法抗拒,让你可以随身携带,随时补妆!GIVENCHY 皇牌四色蜜粉自推出以来备受欢迎,一直受到化妆师的推荐。利用原创棱镜原理,混合四种颜色的蜜粉折射出肌肤自身的光泽,完美修饰毛孔,平滑细纹,让妆容贴服透亮,打造自然柔美的光感。
HUDA BEAUTY 唇颊霜不仅可以用作腮红,还可以用作唇膏,是旅行化妆袋中必备的多功能化妆品。它可以为双颊增添自然红润感,同时为嘴唇带来好气色。您可以根据每天的心情和服装风格自由地叠加涂抹,即使是新手也能轻松驾驭。最重要的是,它方便涂抹和外出补妆!
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- CHANEL 2023 秋冬耳环、戒指:俏皮爱心元素设计,万元以下预算入手推介
If there are so many skincare steps, if every skincare product is put into the makeup bag, the luggage weight will definitely be overweight! Bring the Tatcha Indigo Soothing Cleansing Balm, a two-in-one makeup remover and cleanser, with a fragrance-free formula to gently and thoroughly remove makeup while moisturizing and soothing stressed skin. It contains gentle and effective Japanese indigo ingredients, which help lock in moisture. Even if you wear makeup every day, your skin won’t feel burdened. Highly recommended for sensitive skin!
Traveling is the most annoying thing when you have to bring a bunch of skincare products. To save space in your suitcase, just bring a multi-functional and targeted serum! Especially when your skin occasionally becomes sensitive, a serum ampoule is definitely the best choice for emergency skincare during your trip! The small bottle of CLARINS Brightening Instant Serum is just enough for 7 days. It includes the revolutionary [10+5] dual vitamin C brightening technology, which helps repair skin damaged by light pollution and quickly intercept melanin. In just one week, your skin will immediately become brighter!
Going on a trip, the biggest worry is dry and dehydrated skin, especially when taking a long-haul flight, the skin is more prone to dehydration and allergies, so it needs extra moisturizing. Glutanex Glow Balm can meet the three major effects of moisturizing, whitening, and anti-inflammatory, nourishing the skin instantly. It can be used on the face, lips, or any dry area on the neck. It is a small and easy-to-carry tube, convenient for travel to moisturize, protect the skin, and touch up makeup at any time. Even Song Ji-hyo highly recommends it!