This August, Dior brings two different styles of cushion foundation, 16 shades of blush, and a brand new custom-made nail polish, which will definitely satisfy all beauty enthusiasts! Blinks, don’t miss out on this cushion foundation, which is the same as Jisoo’s classic handbag. It extends the classic “embroidered lattice pattern” motif, full of a sense of luxury, and is definitely one of the must-have makeup products of the year!
底妆方面,Dior 将推出全新两款恒久贴肌气垫粉底,并重新设计了粉盒,分别有饰上标志性藤格纹图腾、经过重新诠释的高级订制时尚版本,备有两种妆效:不晕染的哑致和水润亮泽妆效,完美切合不同肤质的需要!其中的刺绣藤格纹图腾,让人立即联想到Jisoo同款经典Lady D-Lite手袋,尽显精致柔美的优雅气质,极具收藏价值。
Another long-lasting adhesive cushion foundation adorned with lacquered rattan plaid patterns, using a shining lacquered finish that symbolizes radiance, and taking inspiration from the legendary Lady Dior design. You can choose your favorite high-end custom fashion compact and insert the cushion foundation refill, allowing you to select your preferred makeup effect according to different styles, occasions, and moods!
- 7 月必买唇膏推荐!TOM FORD 回头率超高「日落唇」、素颜淡妆首选 NARS 皇牌色
- 别致小巧却「不废」!由Dior、Chanel、Louis Vuitton,2023名牌化妆箱手袋推介
- NewJeans 《Super Shy》同款! 入手女團最愛 Y2K 單品 Miu Miu、CELINE 髮夾推薦
除了气垫粉底和胭脂外,Dior彩妆创作及形象总监Peter Philips更革新演绎品牌经典美甲油,带来了一系列高级订制色调。一共备有21款色调,从自然柔和的裸粉色调、性感显白的红调到适合派对的金色调都一应俱备,迎接秋冬正式到来前的心情转换!
全新 Dior 恒久贴肌气垫粉底、傲姿胭脂及高级订制色调美妆甲油将于2023年8月1日起在 Dior 美颜概念专门店、专柜、Dior美颜网店及Dior Beauty 流动应用程序登场,大家绝不要错过!
了解更多及圖片來源:Dior Beauty