6月 5, 2023

日本热捧“睫毛定型术”!夏天睫毛易塌不卷翘 原来只差这一步


Hong Kong’s weather is humid and hot, causing even curled eyelashes to quickly droop after going outside. In Korea, it is popular to use a lighter to heat up the eyelash curler directly, or to heat up a bamboo chopstick and use it to curl the eyelashes, in order to enhance their longevity. However, these methods can be difficult for makeup beginners to master! If you want to create long-lasting and well-defined eyelashes, you can try the following method, which is very easy to use!

The method is very simple. First, curl the middle part of the eyelashes, divide the eyelashes into sections, and repeat the action 5 to 6 times. Then, focus on the roots of the eyelashes and repeat the curling once more to enhance the curl of the eyelashes. The key is in the next step. Before applying mascara, use a cotton swab to evenly apply a lash primer to the roots of the eyelashes. After 5 minutes, if the eyelashes are soft and prone to collapse, you must learn this trick!


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