5月 17, 2023

无眉热潮由她带起!盘点 Ye 前女友 Julia Fox 话题妆容 大胆风格突破常规

Julia Fox

Ye 前女友 Julia Fox 憑著前衛性感的時尚造型及破格大膽反常規妝容,讓她知名度大開。現在流行的無眉幼眉、充滿未來感的「狐狸眼妝」更是她最標誌性的妝容。不斷顛覆傳統、擅長打造超現實妝容的 Julia Fox ,過往又有什麼妝容充滿話題性?

Speaking of Julia Fox’s iconic makeup, we have to mention her “foxy eye makeup”. Since dating Kayne West (YE), Julia Fox has undergone a major style transformation, both in terms of makeup and clothing. In early last year, Kayne West and Julia Fox made a joint appearance at the Kenzo menswear fashion show wearing matching denim outfits. At that time, makeup artist Pat McGrath created a full black smokey eye makeup for her, with the smokey effect extending outwards to the outer corners of her eyes, creating a unique and artistic eye makeup look. Since then, it has become Julia Fox’s signature eye makeup.

Julia Fox

Julia Fox also demonstrated the technique of “fox eye makeup” on her IG and shared her makeup steps. She pointed out that the key to creating perfect “fox eye makeup” lies in the shape of the eyebrows. First, according to the shape of one’s own eyebrows, apply black eyeshadow from the inner corner of the eye, extending to the brow bone, covering the entire eyelid. This makes the eyebrows and “fox eye makeup” more distinct, breaking the limitations of black eye makeup.

2023 Milan Fashion Week makeup reveals that “light eyebrows” will be the beauty trend of the coming season. Julia Fox successfully sparked the trend of eyebrow-less and thin eyebrows in the 90s last year by bleaching her eyebrows to a light color and then drawing on thin eyebrows. Paired with artistic eye makeup, each time she brings bold makeup that goes beyond imagination, making eyebrow-less and thin eyebrows her another iconic makeup look.

Julia Fox

This visually striking eye makeup is often seen on Julia Fox, with one style seamlessly blending light eyebrows with smoky eye makeup, boldly breaking the norms of popular eye makeup. She even paints her eyebrows with vibrant colors, adding highlights to her makeup and enhancing the playful and rebellious aspect of her eyebrow makeup, showcasing Julia Fox’s distinctive and daring personality!

Julia Fox

向来喜欢不断挑战破格妆容的Julia Fox早前以一身哥特风的造型,现身于美国白宫记者协会晚宴,把全面涂白的她画上超浮夸的镂空黑色眼妆,将眼线从鼻梁侧向上延伸画在太阳穴位置,配搭亮泽的深紫色唇妆,呈现神秘诡谲的妆容氛围。早于白宫记者晚宴前她出席另一场合同样以怪异的白面妆亮相,配搭粉绿色眼妆、鲜艳粉红的修容和充满艺术感的紫粉色唇妆,两次都成功以反常规妆容再度引起话题!

Julia Fox
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