5月 12, 2023

Dior 2023 夏季彩妆系列登场!必收珍藏版眼影、蜜粉饼 宛如阳光亲吻过的夏日光泽

Dior Makeup 2023



打开今季的珍藏版「高级订制五色眼影」,迎来的是 Hotel du Cap- Eden-Roc 标志性救生圈图腾,眼影上还有 Christian Dior 的品牌压纹,细节满满。一共推出了 2 款限量色,分别以牛仔布蓝为主色的「233 Eden-Roc 」及透亮橙色「533 Rivage 」,打造犹如被阳光亲吻过后的夏日眼妆!

Dior Makeup 2023
Dior 高级订制五色眼影 – 珍藏版 HK$620
(左) 233 Eden-Roc (右) 533 Rivage

In addition to the stunning eyeshadows, there is also a limited edition long-lasting radiant powder compact, which also has a delicate texture. This season, the powder compact is adorned with Dior’s signature embossing, which is quite stunning when opened! Equipped with two warm tones, namely the crystal gold color Golden Cruise and the rainbow coral pink color Coral Cruise, it blends seamlessly with the skin, brightening the complexion while highlighting the contours of the face, giving the skin a pearl-like translucent glow, as if it has its own sunset glow.

Dior Makeup 2023
Dior 恒久贴肌亮采蜜粉饼 – 珍藏版 HK$525
(左) 001 金色巡航 (右)002 珊瑚巡航


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  • 誘人的豐盈水潤唇彩絕對不陌生,這個季節推出了全新的三種色調,包括清新的蜜桃色Tangerine、溫柔的玫瑰木色Rosée和充滿活力的古銅色Shimmer Bronze,每個人都可以輕鬆駕馭。這款唇彩含有90%的天然成分,添加了透明質酸和櫻桃油,輕鬆打造出陽光般豐盈的鏡面唇妝。

    Dior Makeup 2023
    Dior 诱惑丰盈水润唇彩 HK$340
    (左起) 044 闪耀铜色、042 橘红、043 玫瑰

    This season, the summer makeup also introduces a bright lip gloss containing 95% natural ingredients, adding a new light nude shade #331 Natural Beige! The semi-matte and glossy texture, combined with cherry oil, brings long-lasting comfort to the lips. The velvety matte tube is adorned with the Dior Oblique logo, irresistible!

    Dior Makeup 2023
    Dior 亮色美唇液 331 自然米色 HK$340

    全新推出4款限量色,完美呈现阳光的猛烈程度!从乳白色Jas-min、珊瑚色Rivage、古铜色Solar Bronze到蓝色Eden-Roc,以不同的度假色彩,尽现法国蔚蓝海岸的夏日景致,实在让人忍不住想度假!配方蕴含牡丹花及开心果树萃取,有助强韧指甲表面,美甲同时护甲。

    Dior Makeup 2023
    Dior 美妆甲油 HK$225
    (左起) 太阳铜、茉莉、海滨、伊甸园

    了解更多及圖片來源:Dior Beauty

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