4月 19, 2023

注入清新粉彩气息!CHANEL BEAUTY释出2023春夏限量彩妆系列

Chanel Beauty|夏季新品2023

CHANEL BEAUTY「2023 BRIGHTENING 春夏限量彩妝系列」officially debuts! CHANEL Makeup Studio takes a playful, light, and delicate approach to this season’s makeup design, cleverly using soft and dreamy pastel colors to bring a range of fresh and vibrant beauty looks. Are you ready to get your hands on this collection and show off a radiant complexion this spring and summer?

This series consists of 7 new products, focusing on base makeup, eye makeup, and lip makeup, including blush, highlighter cream, four-color eyeshadow palette, long-lasting shaping eyebrow pencil, long-lasting smoky eyeliner pencil, water-gel repair lip balm, and matte smooth lip gloss. With a gentle and subtle touch, it brings a vibrant pastel vibe to this spring and summer, immediately reminiscent of Gabrielle Chanel’s beloved summer fabric “pastel-colored herringbone twill”!


CHANEL通过独特创作的FANTAISIE DE CHANEL亮肌光影粉,带来甜美有趣的彩妆新意,打造明亮清新的底妆效果。紫红色染色图案搭配双C浮雕,呈现在逼真的布料质感设计中,展现肌肤的自然气息。

Chanel Beauty 夏季新品2023

限量创作 —— FANTAISIE DE CHANEL 大理石纹亮肌胭脂 HK$555/7g

Compared to powder and cream blush, highlighter is convenient, portable, and can accurately define contours. It is also versatile and can be used on the face, lips, and eyes, making it popular among makeup enthusiasts. The highlighter comes in two soft shades, including the pinkish DRAGÉE and the lavender LILAS. Lightly apply it on the face to enhance the contour and give the overall face a radiant glow, effortlessly creating a delicate and natural luminous makeup effect.

Chanel Beauty 夏季新品2023

CHANEL BEAUTY的眼影盘从来都不会令人失望,光是宛如布料的浮雕设计缀以标志性的双C图案,已经没有不入手的理由!独家创作LES 4 OMBRES DÉLICES四色眼影结合浅淡粉红与缎光亮紫,与鲜艳珠光黄呼应,再由哑致棕浅紫作对比,轻松打造柔和淡雅的明亮大眼。

Chanel Beauty 夏季新品2023

持久塑形眉笔推出三种全新色调,采用防水配方,双头设计方便勾勒眉型轮廓同时梳整晕染眉毛,让你更精准描绘持久的眉毛妆效,随心描绘各种粗细线条。持久烟熏眼线笔的 Cassis 啞緻黑醋栗紫色调,为眼妆带来明亮且带点神秘的点缀。

Chanel Beauty 夏季新品2023
(左)STYLO SOURCILS WATERPROOF 持久塑形眉笔 HK$330/0.27g 及(右)STYLO YEUX WATERPROOF 持久烟熏眼线笔 HK$230/0.3g


Chanel Beauty 夏季新品2023
ROUGE COCO BAUME 水凝修護護唇膏 HK$335/3g
Chanel Beauty 夏季新品2023
ROUGE COCO BAUME 水凝修護護唇膏 HK$335/3g

啞緻柔滑唇彩帶來兩種令人醉心的新色,分別是 Gourmandise 淡棕檀紫 和 Tentation 清新暗紅。水潤保濕與服貼兼備,輕盈滑順且顯色度高,打破霧面唇彩過於乾的印象。淡棕檀紫給人一種迷人魅惑感,而清新暗紅則輕鬆打造出顯白性感的雙唇。

Chanel Beauty 夏季新品2023
ROUGE ALLURE INK 啞緻柔滑唇彩 HK$360/6ml
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