3月 2, 2023

当美妆遇上高订时装!M·A·C 联乘 Richard Quinn 带来春日印花彩妆系列


Looking back at London Fashion Week, Richard Quinn showcased his signature British prints and polka dot elements, creating a bold and glamorous effect. Richard Quinn collaborated with makeup brand M·A·C to create a series of artistic stage makeup looks, extending the classic elements to cosmetics and creating stunning works of art. This collaboration has resulted in the highly collectible M·A·C x Richard Quinn limited edition spring floral makeup collection.

At London Fashion Week, models transformed into British brides, with sleek wet hair as the main focus, and created a smoky eye makeup using different shades of pink, showcasing a vintage and delicate makeup atmosphere. Combined with printed and polka dot dresses, intricate pearl accessories, and lace chiffon, they created an unforgettable elegant image.


獲英國女王伊莉莎白二世認證的英國新銳設計師Richard Quinn的設計貫穿了高級時裝和超寫實主義,整個系列以Richard Quinn最喜歡的英式花藝和巴黎式高訂時裝為設計靈感,巧妙地運用品牌經典印花X波點圖案,並以緞面質感呈現,完美演繹Richard Quinn大膽、色彩豐富的精湛工藝。





Richard Quinn 迷一定不可以错过的绝对是春限量版超立体光影粉饼:暖调金铜色,粉饼中雕刻着的经典波点和印花图案,一抹双颊呈现微 SUN-KISS 的古铜光泽,犹如艺术品般化妆品实在美得让人不舍得用!


The series has launched two lipsticks, including the popular M·A·C shade Lady Danger in a bright red floral pattern and MEHR in a rose caramel color with limited edition artistic packaging, adding a touch of spring and summer to the lipsticks. The square lipstick tube is engraved with a classic black and white polka dot pattern and a signature, making this exquisite box a must-have for spring makeup!


In addition, it is surprising that the series releases a new limited edition lipstick collection, inspired by a garden full of blooming flowers in spring. It includes dreamy rose, bright purple lilac, peach coral, and orange blossom milk tea colors, allowing you to switch up your spring lip makeup as you please. The straight cylindrical lipstick case is adorned with colorful printed patterns, making it irresistible!

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