3月 2, 2023

延续 Plein Air 底妆系列!HERMÈS 全新 H Trio 矿物蜜粉正式开卖


去年 Hermès 推出首個 Plein Air 底妝系列,開啟了清透底妝的新篇章,展現膚色自然之美。延續 Plein Air 底妝系列的理念,一年後的今日,Hermès 為系列加入新成員,帶來兩款兼具美感與功能性的 H Trio 礦物蜜粉。H Trio 已於官網正式開賣,大家又會否考慮入手呢?

Hermès Plein Air 系列 welcomes the new H Trio mineral powder with replaceable powder puffs, available in two types: Radiance and Pearl Glow. The inspiration for the 7 color combinations comes from the bright sunlight and delicate richness of the earth, creating an airy and pure foundation that interprets vitality, individuality, and a radiant healthy complexion with a contemporary concept. This completes the Plein Air makeup collection.


「H Trio 三色煥颜矿物蜜粉饼」共推出5款配色,分别是沙丘米色调、沙漠米色调、撒哈拉米色调、赭色调及红土色调,皆以三种同色调组成,显色性强,轻刷面部轮廓瞬间立体鲜明且不造作,自然焕发温暖气色,打造出犹如日晒后般的红润感。


The loose powder adopts cutting-edge technology, with a smooth and delicate texture that seamlessly blends with the skin when lightly brushed, providing strong skin affinity. It is worth mentioning that the formula of the powder series contains 88% natural ingredients, which can diminish skin flaws and even out skin tone. The added hyaluronic acid derivatives can also protect the skin, making it safe for sensitive skin to use, achieving both skincare and beauty.


「H Trio 三色珠光礦物蜜粉餅」一共備有兩色,每款由三種互補色組成。注入高純度的珍珠母貝,光線透過沙漠玫瑰色或沙漠珊瑚色調,肌膚從內而外散發出的優雅色澤,煥發自然光彩。


The surface of the powder cake is adorned with Hermès’ iconic “H” pattern, showcasing Hermès’ unique craftsmanship and artistic taste. The geometric classic emblem, full of artistic style, originated in the mid-1920s and was originally created for Hermès, a saddlery manufacturer. With the passage of time, the proportions of the pattern have undergone subtle modifications, and it is once again presented on the H Trio mineral powder cake, perfectly interpreting a contemporary elegant atmosphere while maintaining a sense of modernity. It is definitely worth collecting!


配搭由Pierre Hardy先生亲自设计的Le précis蜜粉刷,无论是将蜜粉大面积的涂抹全脸,或是刷饰重点部位,塑造局部立体感,都能为肤色赋予温暖光泽,添一抹自然感性之美。三色漆木刷柄上搭配柔和的玫瑰色,加上超柔软的天然山羊毛纤维,是由1793年创始的法国专业刷具制造商手工组装完成,让每一次上妆都能带来精确细致的妆效。



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