2月 8, 2023

法国女人自信性感的象征!从《Emily in Paris》偷学这个法式妆容小心机

Emily in Paris|法式妝

从 Netflix 影集《艾蜜莉在巴黎》第 1 季到现在第 3 季,持续话题不断。由 莉莉·柯林斯 饰演女主角的 Emily Cooper 多个时尚造型令各位大开眼界,充满优雅气质的法式妆容同样是焦点所在。性感红唇绝对是法国女人的妆容重点,更是她们象征自信的美妆指标,难怪有人说法国女人手袋一定会有唇膏!

Emily in Paris|法式妝

女主角Emily的红唇是剧中最标志性的妆容重点。而《Emily in Paris》剧组明星化妆师Aurélie Payen曾揭秘自己注意到法国女人喜欢在工作时涂上大胆红唇,因此她将这个经典的红唇带到Emily的角色中。

Emily in Paris|法式妝

However, Payen mentioned that if Emily wants to have bangs like her and also wants to wear bold and vibrant red lips, the eye makeup definitely needs to be kept light to avoid overshadowing the entire look. Therefore, using black mascara to accentuate the eye makeup is enough to balance the overall makeup. To create a long-lasting and pigmented lip makeup, moisturizing the lips before applying makeup is a crucial step. Use lip balm or lip primer before applying makeup to smooth out lip lines and enhance the longevity and adherence of the lip makeup. Finally, apply a bright and vibrant red lipstick to create a sexy and charming French lip makeup.

CHANEL 超顯色絲絨唇膏 58 紅色人生
Emily in Paris|法式妝

CHANEL将红色带到更高层次,日暮红强而有力地呈现出潇洒姿态的魅力与自由思想的力量,正是Gabrielle Chanel在1924年创作第一款唇膏时,希望为女性贡献的事物。质感极致舒适,同时强烈显色,为双唇添上哑光及亮泽妆效。配方柔滑丝嫩,转瞬之间赋予水润饱满的感觉。

Emily in Paris|法式妝


BYREDO 首次情感 #被带走
Emily in Paris|法式妝

唇膏以哑面质感为唇妆增添奢华感,从 Transported 的红色散发令人着迷的魅力,如丝绒般的质感,轻轻一抹就能持妆一整天。颜色经过天然蜡质、二氧化硅和竹枝提炼,使色彩更加均匀和饱满。

Valentino Beauty 罗索瓦伦蒂诺 #裸色天鹅绒
Emily in Paris|法式妝

变奏红棕色最畅销的皇牌色号  111A 是极度神秘的色彩,裸色与红色的完美平衡,若隐若现,亲密而自信。多变红棕色调,轻抹展现迷人裸红色,再轻抹数下即能抹出不同深度的复古红棕色,呈现自信成熟美。另外 ,带点酒红棕色调的 142A,偏暖的色泽让妆容更显贵气。

Givenchy LE ROUGE INTERDIT 心動限量版高訂禁忌唇膏 #N306
Emily in Paris|法式妝


古驰美妆哑光唇膏系列 #519 保琳红
Emily in Paris|法式妝

Unique formula with a smooth and creamy gel wax, combined with rich and captivating colors, instantly adds a velvety earthy brown-red lip color to the lips. The smooth and silky formula not only feels moisturizing, but also enhances the color of the lips with a lightweight and natural effect.

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