9月 18, 2023

9 月秋季香水新品一覽!Hermès 絲意系列新成員、令人上癮的 TOM FORD Café Rose


踏入秋天,香水也要跟着换季,快来看看有没有属于你的秋季香气!今个9月,各大香水品牌推出许多新品,TOM FORD 私人调香系列、Hermès 丝意系列、Aesop 〈虚实之境〉、Dior J’adore、YSL BEAUTÉ LIBRE …等等都迎来新成员,无论你喜欢优雅的花香调,还是偏好沉稳的木质辛香,这篇都一定找到适合你的香气!

TOM FORD全新私人调香系列在今个月推出全新力作「MYRRHE MYSTÈRE」,以此香氛作品颂扬香水界中最具异国情调、稀有和标志性的香材!以浓郁的没药精华融合现代香草香调带来感官享受,并以棕色瓶身诠释了树脂的神秘诱人色泽,创造出一种引人入胜的和谐感!

汤姆·福特私人系列MYRRHE MYSTÈRE香水 HK$1,545/30毫升;HK$2,395/50毫升;HK$6,105/100毫升

对Dior香水创作总监Francis Kurkdjian来说,J’adore是不可或缺的!全新推出的L’Or de J’adore香水重新演绎了繁花香调,融合了橙花、茉莉和五月玫瑰的香气,散发出浓郁而阳光的气息!经典的J’adore香水瓶颈饰经过重新设计,用有机的贵金属勾勒出玻璃瓶的线条起伏,突显出曲线美和圆润感,同时展现出香水的温暖气息。

Dior L’Or de J’adore 香精 HK$1,700/50ml

Busy life can leave people breathless. Lavender gives a sense of peaceful healing, and Penhaligon’s Potion and Healing Series A Balm of Calm is definitely your soothing remedy! Blending sandalwood, geranium, and clary sage, it allows the body and mind to float in the mist of geranium, lime, and woody notes, instantly calming the soul and gradually finding inner peace and balance.

Penhaligon Potions & Remedies 一款宁静之膏 HK$2,180/100毫升

相信女生一定都抗拒不了Twilly d’Hermès的魅力,最近系列增添了一名色彩繽紛的新成員:Tutti Twilly d’Hermès。獨特的生薑香調從根部蔓延到花朵,將精緻的花瓣與荔枝與麝香調相結合,香氣令人怦然心動,同時展現優雅不羈的精神,特別適合大膽無畏的你!

Tutti Twilly d’Hermès HK$660/30毫升;HK$985/50毫升;HK$1,390/85毫升


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  • YSL Beauty 自由不羈香氛系列自推出後一直備受女性喜愛,今年再次帶來了嶄新香水之作「LIBRE ABSOLU PLATINE」,更是系列中濃度最高的香水!以鉑金與黃金體現高級訂製態度,由調香大師 ANNE FLIPO 和 CARLOS BENAÏM 共同調配,特別注入清涼的醛類成份,融合上佛手柑、蜜柑和橙花,打造別樹一格的「白色薰衣草」香調,十分適合大膽破格個性的你!

    YSL BEAUTÉ LIBRE ABSOLU PLATINE 香水 HK$1,330/50 ml;HK$1,725/ 90 ml

    Can you imagine the sparks that would fly when a rose meets coffee? Café Rose captures the wild sensuality of rose essence and infuses it with unexpected black coffee flavor. The essence of rose and black coffee creates a deep and sexy aroma, while iris emits a luxurious floral scent. At the same time, coriander, patchouli, and cardamom inject a spicy warmth into the incense resin and sandalwood notes, making it truly captivating!

    TOM FORD 咖啡玫瑰 香港元820/30毫升;香港元1,185/50毫升;香港元1,700/100毫升

    自 2021 年 Aesop 推出〈虛實之境〉系列以来,格欧暮迎来了第六位新成员:乌拉诺,作为系列的最终篇章!这款香水的灵感来自于永垂不朽的巨石圈,受到晚间的史前石环的启发,融合了木质辛香调,在月光下散发出芳香,交织着乳香、干草和没药的香气。

    Aesop〈虚实之境〉乌拉诺香水 HK$1,500/50 ml

    If you want to have a clean and close feeling of fragrance, I highly recommend the new L’Eau d’Issey Pivoine from ISSEY MIYAKE Parfums! This fragrance starts with the scent of water and blends with the fragrant mixture of peony flowers, which exudes the aroma of spring. It perfectly combines various natural ingredients, including rose and pear. It also adds white raspberry to the bouquet, adding a delicious and playful scent. At the same time, it uses cedarwood as the base note, and the sweet and natural fragrance makes people want to get closer one by one!

    ISSEY MIYAKE Parfums L’Eau d’Issey Pivoine 淡香氛 HK$740/50 ml;HK$1,040/100 ml

    Perfume can highlight unique personalities and is also an essential accessory for boosting confidence and charm! The new fragrance “all of me” by Narciso Rodriguez is created by perfumers Dora Baghriche and Daphné Bugey. It combines the iconic rose scent with floral notes that are not commonly used in women’s fragrances. It also revolves around the core ingredient of the brand’s fragrance – rare Egyptian musk, creating a bright and light yet rich woody aroma. Through its multi-layered scent, it is both alluring and emotional, showcasing the enchanting charm of women’s versatility!

    narciso rodriguez 全部都是我的 HK$590/30 毫升;HK$875/50 毫升;HK$1,120/90 毫升
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